Chapter 5

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"So... what's your story? Who's Eliot?" Tyler asks as we sit at the lunch table.

"My story? What, you also work at The Inquisitor?"

"No, The Times of course." I laugh a little at that.

"A good joke?"

"Oh wow!" We both begin laughing as a boy and girl walk up to us.

"Hey." They, along with Tyler, say in near unison.

"Guys this is Eliot. He just moved to town." The boy is tall, about my height, and the girl is brunette and very pretty. Both younger, but not much. "Eliot, this is my sister Kinsey and her boyfriend Scot."

"Hey." God, I hate meeting new people. "You're so pretty." I look to Kinsey and those eyes. They must run in the family.


"Hey!" Scot is joking, but not 100%.

"Scot." Tyler looks at him.

"It's fine. I'm gay as they come." I always look for the slight changes in people's faces when I say that, just for curiosity's sake.

Scot is surprised, but most people are. For some reason, I give people the impression I'm the straight jock type. But at least he smiles. He's fine with it. Kinsey, on the other hand, is smiling right off the bat. There probably isn't another gay kid in this town. And Tyler... Tyler, Tyler, Tyler. He's got the faintest of smiles. One that tells me he was slightly shocked, but then very happy, then realized he was happy, then held it in. I don't know why he would hold it in. I can guess, but I don't know.


"Oh. Sorry." Scot looks embarrassed.

"No big deal. If I were straight I'd definitely be flirting with her."

"Thanks." Kinsey scoots up next to me. "So, where you from?"

"All over." I keep looking to Tyler for his reaction, just in case.

"Really? Army brat?" Scot chimes in.

"I wish." Always everyone's first thought. "Foster care." They get quiet, they always do.

"I'm sorry for asking." Kinsey looks down.

"Oh, it's fine. It's no big secret or anything. My parent's abandoned me in a Walmart of all places when I was five. Since then I've been in..." I do the math in my head quickly. "10 homes... in..." More math. "8 different stares."

"That's a lot." Scot blurts out, then immediately gets a look from Tyler and Kinsey.

"It is. " I can't help but chuckle at their reactions. "It's not like TV or anything. Only six or so of them were disgusting, violent, or completely illegal. The others were pretty nice. But I wasn't." Should I be this honest? Can they handle it?

I wait for a minute as they digest it. I calculate the different looks they're giving to each other. The looks they're giving me. The way their minds are trying to figure out their next moves.

"Well this was fun, but I can tell that I just made this really uncomfortable." I stand up.

"Eliot." Tyler begins, but I just give him a look.

"No. It's fine. It was nice to meet you all."

I turn away, finding this tightness in my chest. I can feel the tears building up in my eyes. I try taking deep breathes, but I can't seem to do it.

Why do I always do this? Why do I have to fuck everything up? I'm so stupid. God damn it!

I march faster down the halls, feeling everyone's eyes on me.

Maybe if I was normal I'd be able to have friends. Maybe this wouldn't be my 10th home.

I finally find my way into a bathroom. I look under the stalls. No one.

Fuck me.

I turn to look at myself in the mirror.

Why? Is this me? Is this who I am?

"You're quite dramatic." Tyler is standing in the doorway.

"I watch a lot of Real Housewives. I know my stuff."

We stand there in silence. I shove down all the feelings. I shove the tears back in. I take a single deep breath in. then a single deep breath out. Then I prepare to speak...

"You should come over after school? Hangout." Tyler speaks first.


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