Chapter 43

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"Wait! You know my parents?"

"Rude! No interrupting!" I close my mouth and hold the little bit of excitement in. "Yes. I knew your parents. But not really. They were more like... business associates." What could that mean? "Your parents were... normal. As basic as they came. Met and fell in love in college. Got married. Then they wanted a baby. Fuck knows why. But they wanted one badly. They spent years trying. Trying all the scientific ways there are in this strange world. Then they turned to something different... god. Well, the one they thought was real."

"God's not real?"

"What did I say about interrupting?" It seems annoyed, which makes me happy. "And he was real. He was one of many gods that have existed throughout the beginning of time. He was around for a while, but as most gods do, they lose power. Over time they become weak. Faith can only keep a god alive for so long. Look at most of those Greek gods." It seems happy to be talking to someone. "I, on the other hand, don't solely rely on faith. Hence why I'm still around and a lot of those phonies came and went."

"What does this have to do with my parents?"

"They tried god out for a while. He was long gone, so he didn't quite help. So they moved on to others. They tried Buddha, Gaia, that bitch, Krishna, Shiva, and even Demeter. Most of which are long gone or just too weak to help them. That's when they gave up. They were ready to move on. That is until my people came around."

"Your people?"

"Really?" It tilts its head. "Do you not believe one would worship me?" I love pissing it off. "My worshippers. Or otherwise known as my followers, admirers, devotees, or as I prefer, my Acolytes. They found your parents. Introduced them to me. Well introduce is a strong word. They left little hints for them. Leave them a trail to me. They didn't want to spook them."

"You? Spooky?"


"My apologies."

"Well, they dug into me more. They were intrigued, as people often are! And eventually, they started discovering what your world calls Magic. For a world filled with so many people that think they're so smart, you guys don't realize how far behind you are. There are other worlds that have been around for way less time and not only know about... Magic... but they use it to thrive. Only a small percentage of your people even know about it."

"So my parents could do magic?"

"All living creatures can. Most of you even use it, just don't realize it. Usually just small things though. Your bodies can't handle the real stuff. But your parents... they could do a little bit. Nothing crazy, but more than the average. And they spent years honing it. They spent years worshipping me. They prayed to me. And for the most part, I never listened. But one day that changed. They managed to make noise too loud for me to ignore."


"Your kind is so impatient." It slides up to the bars. "They performed a powerful piece of Magic. One that almost killed them. But it was loud enough to get my attention. I'm pretty sure that was their point. Or they were just lucky. Because I went to them. I first appeared in your mother's dreams. Gave her little nudges. They kept her going. She knew in her head it was possible."

"What was possible?"

"To make you." It points its sharp finger at me, giggling.

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