Chapter 49

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"Ah!" I shout and jump up, nearly falling out of the bed.

My heart is racing and my entire body is sweating. It takes a few seconds, but the pain radiating throughout my body hits me. I look at my arm and see the cut is gone. Then I move my ankle and it's healed. I must've continued healing after I fainted. But my body is still sore as fuck. I manage to crawl out of bed and throw on some of Tyler's clothes that are on his chair. Each step I take out of the room makes me want to cry, but I keep going.

I walk down the stairs, one step at a time and holding tightly to the railing. But as I get towards the bottom I hear talking. It's everyone. Probably not Bode though. I can't really hear what they're saying, but I can hear my name a couple of times. As I reach the bottom step I spot them. I see Tyler, Kinsey, Duncan, and Nina sitting around the living room, looking very serious. I try and listen, but seconds later Duncan looks over and sees me. Then the rest look over. Tyler immediately starts walking towards me and I immediately rush to the front door. I walk outside, barefoot. I make it to the bottom of the stairs before hearing Tyler.

"Eliot. Wait." I stop, mostly for a break from the pain than anything else.

"I just need a minute Ty. Just some fresh air."

"I don't believe you."


"How far do you think you'll get without shoes, let alone socks?"

"I don't need to walk to get places."

"Eliot..." He gives me a look.

"Fine." I painfully sit down on the bottom step.

"Why can't you just realize you're not alone in this?" He sits down next to me.

"And look what happened when you guys tried helping before?" I look over at the boarded-up windows.

"Shit happens."

"Wow. How profound."

"Haha." That smile of his still makes me feel good. "But really. I will not let you go into this alone. Neither will my family."

"I can't let your family get hurt."

"But they're willing to do so."

"But I'm not willing to let them."

"I won't matter. They'll still come to your side. You might as well let them."




"Eliot." He puts his hand on my leg. "I know it was scary. I saw it all too. I'm just as scared. But we can't let the fear take control."

"What if fear is all I have." The look he gives me breaks my heart.

"You have me, right?"


"So when you start getting afraid. When fear starts taking over..." He grabs my face lightly and looks me in the eyes. "Think about me. Think about how much I love you. And how much stronger my love is than your fear. It's stronger than anything."

"Wow..." I can't help but smile. "That was cheesy."

"Oh shut up." We start laughing.

"It was sweat and all. Loved it. But still cheesy as fuck."

"You're such a dumbass." He kisses me. "But you're my dumbass."

"You know it." We kiss again.

"Now can we go inside? We think we know where Shlukos is gonna be. And we think we have an idea how to stop him."

"Okay..." He helps me to my feet. "Can I get some socks first?"

"Of course."

Locked Away - Book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon