Chapter 38

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"Hey. Can I talk to you?" I walk up to Kinsey.

She nods and we walk off as Tyler joins the rest of his family at breakfast.

"I'm sorry." I have to blurt that out first. "I never should've talked to you that way. There are no excuses."

"It's fine. I'm over it. Are you over this?" She looks down at the scars on my arm.

"Yes. Trying. Cold turkey."

"Good. If you need to talk about it or need any help with it, I'm here."

"Thanks." Damn this family for being so nice!

"Now do you prefer pancakes or eggs?"

"Oh, eggs."

"Really?" We laugh as we walk back into the kitchen.

"Eliot!" Bode runs up, wrapping his arms around me. "We're gonna open presents after we eat." He's got more energy than I've had in my entire life combined.

"Cool." Part of me gets really nervous about watching everyone have a nice Christmas.

He runs back to his food and eats at top speed.

"How you feeling?" I sit next to Tyler.

"I'm good. You don't need to ask me every five minutes."

"Sorry." He kisses me.

"Eww." Bode covers his eyes.

"What?" I smile and kiss Tyler back.

"You two are so cute." Duncan looks to Bryan and smiles before kissing him.

"We are." Tyler grabs my hand.

We finish eating and head over to the tree in the living room. Everyone starts opening presents. They're all sitting on the floor, smiling, laughing, and being a perfect family. And I'm sitting on the couch, watching it while I sip on some hot cocoa, which I don't like but couldn't say no to.

"Hey." Nina comes and sits down next to me.


"Are you doing okay? Tyler filled me in a little."

"I'm breathing. I"m surviving."

"That's all one can ask for some days." She then reaches over the side of the couch and grabs a bag, handing it over to me. "It's nothing big, but it's something."

"Oh, you didn't have to. I didn't..."

"It's nothing. And you didn't need to get me anything. You've done enough for my family."

"Really? All I've brought your family is... well..."

"You've also brought love. I see the way Tyler has changed since you meet each other." Love? My stomach drops just a little. "And Bode loves you. Kinsey basically thinks you're her other big brother. She looks up to you."

"Wow." That's a lot.

"Just take care of yourself. That's all we want in return."

"Thanks." I start getting teary-eyed.

I open the bag and take out a small photo book. It has my name on the front. I open it and there are photos that I've never seen. Photos of me as a kid. Photos of me throughout the years. There are yearbook photos, candid photos, and even some photos from my social media pages.

"Wh..." My teary eyes turn into tears.

"Aww..." She wraps her arm around me.

"How did you get these?"

"Well, I talked to your caseworker and got all the photos she had, plus the name of some of your past foster families. Most had nothing, but a few still had a few photos they saved."


"I've made one for each of my children. I thought you deserved one as well."

"Thank you." I hug her, tears rolling down my face. "Thank you so much."

I turn and look to Tyler and his family, unable to stop smiling as I enjoy the best Christmas I've ever had.

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