Chapter 53

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"Eliot!" Tyler runs up to me, my body seizing. "Why? Why'd you do this?"

"It's the only way."

"We could've done something else." He's starting to whimper.

"No." I reach up, sliding my hand against his face. "You know..." My body shakes, my arm flipping back and bone breaking.

"Eliot..." His lip is quivering.

"It's all good." I try and smile, but the sharp teeth begin to push through, blood spilling out the sides of my mouth.

Nina and Kinsey walk up behind Tyler.

"You'll be alright." He runs a hand through my hair.

"No. I won't." I cough some blood. "But you will." I look to Nina and Kinsey, both of which are now crying. "Watch after him." They both nod. "Make sure he finds someone else. Someone better for him."

"No!" Tyler is shaking, but I can see he's trying to stop. "No one could be better for me."

"Please..." My chest pumps into the air and I begin feeling anger. "Just go on that road trip we talked about. Meet some great people. Have some interesting stories. Try new things. Don't be scared." He nods and I reach up, wiping the tears off his cheek.

I reach into my pocket and take out the Omega Key. I grab Tyler's hand. I take a deep breath in. I let it out. I take one last look at Tyler's face, mentally saving it.

"Love you."

Crackle. Snap.

I feel my body rip apart. I feel it tearing. I feel pressure push through my body. A tingle in my brain. And then I'm there. I'm in the caves, perfectly described by Kinsey. I'm on the cold hard ground. Directly in front of me is a giant door that looks like the Omega symbol with blue light coming from behind it. I get to my feet, pushing through the pain and the force trying to keep me down.

"You can't do this!" It's voice is loud and vicious, but scared.

"But I am." I step forward.

"NO!" My right leg snaps and I fall forward and to the ground.

"No." I feel this calm hit me. This determination. "You can't stop me."

Crackle. Snap.

My leg heals and I make my way back up to my feet. I reach over and stick the Omega Key into the Black Door. Then the begins to swing open. The blue light is like nothing I've ever seen. It's beautiful, yet terrifying.

"I could tell you everything." It sounds desperate. "I lied before. I know where your parents are." It doesn't matter. I don't listen to a single word it says.

I see a glowing little light coming from the blue. A demon. I grab the other side of the door, gripping the handle.

"Please don't." I laugh a little at that.

"Who's in control now?" I close my eyes and move forward, pulling the door closed behind me.


...Book Two Coming Soon...

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