Chapter 17

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I sit in Tyler's room. I lay on his bed. I stare up at his ceiling. All I can think about is Tyler. I think about his eyes. That smile. His tongue. Oh... and that amazing ass.

God! Why can't I stop thinking about him? I'm like a little girl!

"So..." Tyler walks back into the room. "What are you doing?"

"Just starring at the ceiling."


"What were you about to say?"

"What? Oh. Um..." He sits on the bed next to me, but I continue starring up. "My mom doesn't want you sleeping in my room anymore, but..."

"That's fine."

"No. I can convince her. Just give me some time."

"No. It's fine. I get it."

"Well, we could always just wait till she goes to bed and then sneak you in. It'd be easy."

"No." I sit up. "It's fine. I don't wanna make any problems with your mom."

"Fine." He places his hand on my leg and softly squeezes.

"Actually..." I stand up. "I"m a little tired. I think I'll just head to sleep now."

"What? Are you sure? Dessert should be ready soon." He stands up in front of me. "Is everything okay?" Truth? Lie? What to do...

"I... um..." I feel anxious just thinking about it. "I'm good. Just tired." Lie.

"Okay. Well, Duncan and Bryan are in the guest room, and since everyone's hanging in the living room, the only real option you have is the couch in the attic. Or I guess you could sleep on the floor in Bode's room. He should be getting to bed soon."

"The attic's fine."

"Well... okay." He reaches over and grabs a blanket and a pillow. "Here. If you need anything just find me. I'll be here in my room."

"I will. Thanks." I start walking to the door.

"Goodnight." He turns to me.

"Yeah. Goodnight." I step out of the room and I start breathing heavily, no longer holding in the pain.

I quickly, and quite painfully head up to the attic. I throw the blanket and pillow down before pulling my pants down. I see the nail marks, but now they're a deeper and almost shiny red. They're throbbing. They feel like they're burning. Like the nails are still clawing at me but from the inside out. The air starts getting thick. I try breathing, but it all just feels like I'm trying to force the air in through a blockade.

Why? Why can't I...

I start feeling dizzy. Everything just feels out of place. The floor is moving. The ceiling is coming down on me. Then my entire body comes crashing down and everything goes dark.

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