Chapter 44

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"I put just the tiniest of images into their heads. An image of their future son. It drove them to do whatever I wanted."

"You manipulated them?"

"Is it really manipulation if they knew I was doing it?"

"They knew you were manipulating them?"

"They wouldn't admit it, but they knew it. But they would anything to get you. And they spent every day lying to each other and to themselves. And they did this for a while. Nearly two years it took for them to obtain the necessary items."

"For what?"

"For the ritual."

"A ritual for me?" That makes it laugh.

"No! For me!" It licks its lips, fondly remembering back then. "In order for me to create their son I had to come onto their plane. And I needed their help."

"What did they need to do?"

"They needed to create a moment of pure evil and darkness that I could feed on. They did something that wouldn't be able to take back. They killed multiple people."

"What?" It starts giggling loudly, falling back in laughter.

"You thought your parents were good?" It laughs some more. "They murdered a family of five. A husband, Dale. Wife, Beatrice. And their three kids; Charlie, Kaitlyn, and Brady. I still remember how they tasted. They were full of fear." It licks its lips and I feel my stomach churn.

"You're lying!" I stand up.

"Do you really think that?" I step back and rub my eyes. "Just as delusional as your parents." It gives the tiniest of giggles before jumping up to its feet. "They killed that family in my honor. It gave me more than enough power to visit them. I told them I would let them live, but only because I was full... and why kill the people giving me such good food?" It moves up to the bars. "Then I told them I'd give them what they wanted. You."

"Why would you do that?"

"What? You don't think I'd keep my word? Rude."

"You wouldn't give it to them without more, right?"

"No... or so I told them. Unlike you, they believed me. I told them I'd give you them for nothing in exchange. So I spilled my own blood, collecting it in the husband's skull." I can picture it and it only makes me feel sicker. "I molded my blood. I thickened it. I created the perfect specimen. I created you."

"You're sick."

"What? You should be honored. I've only ever done this a handful of times."

"You've done this before?"

"What? You think your special?" It laughs. "You were..." It stops to think. "The fourth one. But I will say, you are my favorite. And I'm not just saying that because you have me locked up."

"What did you take in exchange? When you created me."

"All I did was place the tiniest part of myself into the baby. Into you. I left a seed that would grow. If only things worked out as planned though." It sits back down, looking bored.

"What was your plan?"

"Well, my Acolytes were supposed to find you, kill your parents, and take you."

"What? Then what did happen?"

"Your mother. I underestimated her will. You get your spunk from her. It's one of the things I hate the most about you. That bitch."

"Shut up!" It explodes from my mouth and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

"Hmm..." It smiles. "Your mother, much like you, defied my Acolytes. She fought back. She was able to run away with you and your father. Kept you hidden for years."


"Yahtzee!" It gets excited and crawls up to the bars, sticking its head between them.

"What happened?"

"No idea."


"Same as you. Those years have been blocked from my memory as well."

"Do you know who did that? And why?"

"I have a guess."


"Fuck you're dense! Your mother of course!"

"What? Why?"

"To keep you safe of course. If you have no memories of those first five years, neither would I. And I wouldn't be able to remember the ritual they used on me."

"They did something to you? Is that why you haven't tried to just leave me?" It's silent, which means I'm right. "So let me guess... they kept you chained here like a dog?" It chuckles. "No? Then they... weakened you?" I can see its eyes and know I'm right. "They made you too weak to leave. And without memory of Magic I never learned how to use it, which means I couldn't... feed you?"

"Bravo...want a sticker?"

"And that's why you've become stronger and have been able to push through me recently. Because I've been using Magic. And when I do you get a piece of it as well. So if I just stop using Magic altogether, you'll weaken." It's all clicking. "Thanks." I walk to the door.

"Don't forget to come and visit sometime." I turn to face it. "It gets so lonely in here..." It smiles...

And maybe I was tired. Maybe it was that my head was going in circles from everything I just learned. Maybe I was even a bit cocky. But maybe if I was a little more clear-headed, I would've been able to see what was going to happen. Maybe I could've prevented the next few days from happening...

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