Chapter 37

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I eventually wake up. I'm in Tyler's bed. The curtains are closed, but a little bit of light is peeking through. My head is ringing as I sit up. It takes a moment for my eyes to focus. That's when I see Tyler. He's sitting at his desk chair, head lying on his shoulder, fast asleep.

He's so cute. How could I screw that up?

"Hey." His eyes open and he smiles when he sees me awake.

He sits up and stretches before getting up to his feet. He walks over and sits on the edge of the bed.

"I'm so sorry."

"I know." He puts his hand on my leg, my leg flinching and pulling away.

"I should go." I get up and off the bed on the other side.

"Eliot. You don't need to do that."

"I do though." The tears are back.

"Just stay for the day. Relax. Hang out with my family. I don't want you going home alone."

"It's really fine. I"m good alone."

"Eilot." He tries stepping up to me, but I step back and into the wall.

"No. It's best if I"m alone."

"It's Christmas."

"It is?" How'd I not know that?

"Yeah. And we're all just gonna hang out today. Eat food. Watch movies." I want to say I'll stay, but I can't. "I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine." Big lie.

"You don't need to lie to me."

"I"m not." I"m lying to myself.

"But you are. I know you. No matter how much you think I don't. I know you."

"You don't though. If you really knew me you wouldn't want me here. You wouldn't want me anywhere near you, or your family."

"Then tell me."

"No." I start walking, but he steps in front of me.

"Tell me. Tell me everything. The good. The bad. The horrible. Just tell me. Give me the chance to make up my own mind. Don't make it up for me."

"I..." My first thought is to cut my arm and get the hell out of here.

I feel my veins pumping. I feel the blood flowing through my body. I feel the want... no, the need, to use it. To use the power in me. It feels like I'm in withdrawal, and I hate it. My body is shaking. My mind is racing. And the only thing standing between me and letting my power flow is Tyler. Literally and mentally.

"Fine." I can't tell whether or not I'm doing this because I want to get out, or just because I want to. "I'll start with Mark and Margie." I sit down and begin telling him my life story.

I tell everything. I tell him the things I've never told anyone. I say the things I forgot until now. I tell him the things that hurt to say. The things that make my body shake. I stop multiple times to breathe and control myself. Some moments I get so angry I want to break something. Then I get so sad I start to cry. I go through a rollercoaster of emotions up until I finish mentioning what happened at the club. I stand still and just breathe. I look down at my feet. I look up, ready for Tyler to step out of my way and walk out of his life once and for all. But instead, he steps up to me and wraps his arms around me. I lay my head over his shoulder and feel his warmth. I feel the love.

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