Chapter 31

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 "That was..." Tyler turns on his side, smiling at me.

"Yeah." I turn to face him as well. "You could share the blanket though."

"Oh. Sorry." I just laugh as he wraps the blanket over my naked body.

"You're cute." I kiss him.

"So... do you really think you can keep that thing locked away?" Why ruin this perfect moment?

"Yeah. For a while."

"Then we should start figuring out how to get that thing out of you."


"We could either find something else to put it in. Or maybe even kill it. But first, we need to figure out exactly what it is."

"Ty..." I kiss him. "Breath."


"Why don't we go out tonight?"

"Out? Everything in town is already closed."

"So? We'll go out of town."

"It's a school night."


"Let's just hang out here. Together."
"Come on." I sit up. "Let's go out and celebrate today. We're all alive. Everything is good."

"For now."

"Wow! Look who's the cynic in this relationship now."

"Haha. Fine. Let's go celebrate."

We quickly get dressed and wait for the coast to be clear before sneaking out of the house and into Tyler's car.

"So where we goin'?"

"Let me see." I open up my phone. "Here. Night club 30 minutes away."


We drive. The night sky is dark, but the full moon lights the road. I put my hand out the window and feel the cold air.

"It's almost Christmas." Tyler breaks the silence.

"Yeah. I guess it is."

"Just another week of school and then a nice long break."

"Yeah." I turn to him, confused by this weird conversation.

"We should focus on this then. We can take the next week to just re..." He begins but then I get distracted.



"Do you like snow?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"Me too." I smile at him.

"We should be getting snow sometime soon."

"I don't wanna wait." I reach over and grab the leftover plastic fork from the center console.

"What are you doing?"

"Just pull the car over." He does so.

I snap the fork in half, keeping the sharp end. I press it against my finger until it breaks the skin.

"What are you doing?"

"Calm down. It's just a little blood."

I put my finger out the window and let a few drops hit the ground. I close my eyes. I think about snow. I remember snow. The good times. The fleeting moments of happiness that snow always brought, whether good or bad times. I think of the feeling of snow on my skin. The way it slowly melts in the hand.

Crackle. Snap.

I open my eyes and a light snowfall begins above the car.

"Oh my god!" Tyler turns down his window and puts his head out. "This is so cool!"

"Yeah." I step out of the car and look up, closing my eyes and letting the snow hit my face.

"You're amazing." Tyler walks out of the car and over to me.

"It could be better."


I walk a few feet away and the snow suddenly stops.

"I can only control a small range. And for a limited time." I walk back over to him.

"It's fine. It's amazing considering you've just learned how to do this."

"It could be better."

Locked Away - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now