Chapter 33

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"Why'd you do that?" Tyler is standing over me, angry once again.

"Because he was being a prick."

"You can't just do that to someone. Especially in front of the entire school."

"Like they even noticed. They were just shocked by the bone popping out of his leg"

"Oh my god." Tyler turns around.

"What? He called my boyfriend a faggot. I made sure he broke his arm."

"He punched you and broke his arm on impact with your face!" Tyler turns around, shouting.

"It happens."

"No, it doesn't!"

"God! Why are you so insane about this?" I sit up, starting to get angry.

"Insane? About you using these new powers of yours to do whatever you want whenever you want? Why would that be?"

"Oh my god!" I stand up. "If you had these I'm sure you'd be doing the same thing!"

"I would not!"

"You do with those keys. How else would you have straight A's?"

"That's different."

"Is it?" I grab my backpack and begin packing my stuff.

"Where are you going?"

"To go hang out with Roger." Heavy emphasis on the sarcasm.

"Really? You can't just stay and talk this out?"

"Why would I want to stay and fight, again?"

"Why wouldn't you want to listen to me? And figure this out?"

"Because this is the third day of this in a row!" My voice is getting louder and I'm starting to fume. "I did not get into this relationship planning on spending my days being judged and fighting over everything!" He stands there, silent. "Maybe we should take Winter Break to... take a break."

"Really? Is that what you really want?"

"It's not what I want, but I think it's what we need."


"Fine." I walk to the door. "Tell Bode I'll have to reschedule Game Night." He nods as I open the door and walk out.

I wait until I'm out of sight of Key House before really letting the anger in me get out. All I can think about is breaking something. I want to destroy everything in my path. I flip my ring around and slide it across my arm. As my blood begins spilling out I raise my arm to the forest around me. The trees shake. Then a few of them burst into millions of little wooden splinters, shooting out in all directions.

"God damn it!" I shout at the top of my lungs and multiple more trees explode around me.

As birds flock into the air and squirrels run as far away from me as they can, I look up at the sky. I scream again. But this time no trees explode. Instead, I feel a crackle and pop inside my body. Then I blink and I'm suddenly standing at the edge of that beautiful cliff Tyler brought me to long ago.

"What the..." Can I teleport myself?

I stare out as the waves, big and rough, hit the rocks. It's beautiful. It's scary. There's just something magical about the ocean. How deep and vast it is. How little is actually known about it. Sort of like me.

I place my ring against my other arm, making sure to make this a big one. I debate it for a second. I think about my next move. But then I just go for it. I take a deep breath in and jump off the cliff. The cold air flows around my entire body. The way it feels. How everything is light. Everything feels free for the first time in my life. Like nothing can happen to me. Like nothing matters. Not my past. Not this thing in me. Not these strange new abilities. Not Tyler. Not even me.

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