Chapter 46

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"What's going on?" I walk into Room 237, Shlukos standing behind the bars just like when I left him earlier.

It just laughs.

"This is a dream, isn't it?"

"No. No. No. No. No." It moves up to the bars, clasping them with its hands. "This is as real as it gets..." It chuckles some more.


"Thanks for the little meal. It was quite tasty." I'm confused and silent. "Remember when you let me out of here a while back? With that delicious boy of yours?" Now I'm getting a little angry. "That was quite the meal I got there. All these rooms... filled with your worst memories..." Things begin to click in my head. "Almost enough..." Its hands squeeze the bars tight and all of the bars crumble to ash.


"You bet." It rushes at me and the next I know my eyes are opening and I'm screaming at the top of my lungs.

"What's wrong?" Tyler jumps awake and leans over me. "What's going on?" I can't stop screaming, my brain screaming.

Nina comes running into the living room.

"What's going on?" She sees me in a fetal position, grabbing my head and screaming.

"What th..." Duncan comes in, Kinsey right behind him.

I turn my head to Tyler, trying to speak, but nothing. I try talking, but my body doesn't want to listen. Then my ars jerk to the side, pushing Tyler back. Nina comes running up to him. I make eye contact with him and he doesn't look at me like he usually does. Instead, he looks at me like he's scared of me.

"Wh..." Bode comes running in, Kinsey immediately turning around and blocking his view of me.

"Get the head key!" Tyler yells to Duncan. "On my dresser!"

Just as Duncan tries to turn and go get it, my body jerks into the air. I let out a giant scream. All of them bend over and cover their eyes. At once, all of the windows shatter, glass flying into the house. Duncan grabs Kinsey and Bode, covering them as glass goes into his back.

"Duncan!" Nina shouts as she sees Duncan collapse to the.

"Hehehe." Its voice is not in my head but now comes out of my mouth.

Tyler and Nina rush away from me as my limbs start snapping, bending in all directions.

"Stop this!" I try shouting, but nothing comes out.

"You can't stop this!" It shouts out of my mouth and to me.

My body flings to the other side of the room and into the wall. Then it goes up and into the ceiling. I can feel my bones breaking with each hit. It starts laughing as it looks down at everyone.

"Time for some fun." My body drops down to the floor, landing on all fours.

The tips of my fingers begin peeling, skin ripping, bones growing. I've never felt pain like this before. My body is being changed without my permission. Claws protrude from my fingers and clack against the floor.

"Eliot!" Tyler screams at the top of his lungs and I can see the fear in his face as I turn to him. "Eliot!" Nina grabs him.

"Eliot's not here right now." I can feel its next move right before it does it.

It lurches forward, claws out front. Its nails dig into the skin, blood spreading across the room. The taste of blood in my mouth makes it happy, happier than I've ever felt it before. Then I feel a sudden burning sensation in my back and it screams before jumping back up to the ceiling. There I see Kinsey with the Matchstick key. I look and see Bode crying over Duncan's barely moving body. Then I see Tyler over his mom, scratch marks over her stomach, and bleeding over the room.

"Please! Stop this!" I shout as loud as I can, nothing coming from my mouth.

"Once I've eaten Tyler." My body drops down to the ground, my hand swinging and throwing Kinsey out of the room.

"No! Stop! Now!" My body crawls over to Tyler, who's crying and has both his hand covered in blood as he tries putting pressure on his mom's wounds.

"Never." My voice hisses.

My mouth opens and just as I'm about to lurch forward and take a big bite out of Tyler, I'm standing a few feet away, looking down at my lifeless body. I see the Head Key sticking out of my neck and Bode standing there with tears rolling down his face. I look and see the door to my brain not just shaking, but already breaking. I look back to Duncan, blood pooling around him. Kinsey is across from him, out cold. Tyler looks up at me as his mom continues bleeding out. Everything is going bad so quickly, all at once. I can't figure out what to do. Is there something I can do?

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