Chapter 32

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The club turned out to be a dud. It was small. Basically a shack. And there were two people there. So we went back to Key House and went to bed. But Tyler promised me he'd find us a place to celebrate this weekend.

The past few days have begun to feel normal once again. Or as normal as things can feel. I have been spending every single day with Tyler, except the times I'm pricking my finger and trying new... spells? No, that doesn't sound right. I wish I knew what all of this was.

"Hey." Tyler walks up to me as I walk out the front doors.

"Hey." We kiss and Kinsey walks up.

"Get a room."

"We will." I kiss him again.

"Eww. Did you tell him?"

"Tell me what?" Tyler's smiling. "What?"

"We're throwing a party."

"What?" I look to Kinsey.

"Our mom is going out of town with Duncan and Bryan. They'll be gone all weekend." Kinsey is jumping up and down with excitement.

"And we've already bribed Bode with a shit ton of candy to stay in his room."

"Tonight?" I'm not thrilled about this, but I'm excited that he's excited.

"Oh yeah."

We head to Key House. We wait until Nina, Duncan, and Bryan leave. Then we get ready. Tyler and I go to the store and buy a shit ton of candy and all sorts of drinks and snacks for the party. Kinsey, Scot, and the rest of the Savini Squad decorate the house, which scares me a little.

Eventually, the party comes. It seems that everyone in school has decided to come. The music is loud. The lights are crazy. And it's all so much cooler than I expected it to be.

"Why are you just sitting here? Watching like a weirdo?" Kinsey joins me on the stairs.

"Just thinkin'."

"Are you drunk yet?" She looks at my empty solo cup.

"Gettin' there." I can't help but laugh. "Wanna get me another?"

"Why don't you have some water?"

"Boo." I get up and walk over to the drink table.

"Hey." Tyler walks up.

"Hey!" I grab his face and kiss him.


"I just want to..." I lean in and whisper into his ear.

"Oh... right now?"

I just laugh and grab his hand, taking him out into the middle of the dance floor. We start dancing, our bodies connected the entire time. The music hits my brain like drugs. My body feels light. Everything feels... fluffy.

"Watch this," I whisper into Tyler's ear.

I turn the ring on my finger around and lightly jab my palm with the sharp end. Blood begins to pool before it rolls down my hand.

"Eliot!" He grabs my hand. "Not here."

"Yes here." I close my eyes.

Crackle. Pop.

Balls of light float into the air above the crowd. Everyone looks up, amazed. Then the balls burst, sending streaks of light down and around the room. Everyone begins to dance and laugh.

"Eliot." Tyler looks at me, a look that I've never seen before.


"You can't be doing that."

"Oh, whatever." I go back to dancing, Eliot walking away. 

Locked Away - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now