Chapter 47

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What do I do? I look over to Tyler, who looks scared. I turn around to see Bode standing in shock. I look to the door, the wood breaking off, pieces flying across the room. Then I look down at myself. I look at my lifeless body. I look at the big piece of shattered glass next to my shoulder. Then I look back at Tyler. I know what I have to do.

I go down to my knees and grab the largest and sharpest piece of glass on the ground. I grab it.

"Eliot." I hear Tyler's voice through all the noise and look up at him.

"I have to." I force a little smile on my face.

I can see the look on Tyler's face, everything clicking.

"No!" He shouts, keeping his hands on his mom's wounds.

"I can't let it out." I can feel tears building up in my eyes.

"There's got to be another option! Something else! Anything else!" Tears are rolling down his face, his face getting red.

"There isn't." I place the glass directly over my heart, the sharp tip just barely over my shirt.


I take a deep breath in. I let the noise of the door was away. I let Tyler's screams vanish in the distance. Wow, this shirt is dirty. That's my last thought before moving the glass down.

But then, just as I begin to break the skin, I notice, from the corner of my eyes, Tyler. I turn my head and see Tyler, his hands and arms covered in blood, standing at the large red door. His hand is gripping the doorknob. His eyes are red from the tears, but they are also very serious. I can see the anger in his eyes. We make eye contact and for just a second I try giving him a look to stop, but I can see it. I can see in his eyes how determined he is to do this.

Then, just as he turns the doorknob, the door swings open. Tyler gets flown across the room, his body smacking into the wall, creating a giant dent in it. I watch his body, lifeless, fall to the ground. Before I can turn my head back to the door I feel a giant gust of wind, hear a high-pitched scream, and then the front doors break open. I don't even need to look at the door to know that Shlukos is long gone.

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