Chapter 23

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Why do teachers talk so much?

My history teacher has literally been droning on about something about the government that is making my head spin. No sleep in almost 72 hours now. Everything is fuzzy. Everything feels off like time is jumping. I hear one thing, then I feel like I blackout and hear something that's part of a completely different topic. I've chugged so many energy drinks I'm pretty sure I'm immune to them. They no longer seem to work and it's a problem.

"Eliot?" I look around and the teacher is staring at me. "How many US Senators are there? And how many per state?"

"Oh. Um..." I try thinking and my brain begins trying to put it together. I know I know the answer. But I just can't seem to find it in there. It's hiding. "It's um..."

"100. Two per state." Another student, I don't know who, jumps in and answers.

The teacher starts talking again. Things got fuzzy. I find my eyes close, no longer able to keep them open.

"Hehehe." The voice smacks me.

"Eliot?" My eyes pop open and the teacher is standing right in front of me. "Class is over."

"Oh. Um. Yeah." I quickly get up and walk out.

"Hey." Tyler walks up, putting his arm around.

He smells nice.


"You look exhausted."

"Oh. Thanks."

"Oh calm down. You still look hot as fuck, but you do look like you're about to fall asleep."

"That's 'cause I am."

"Bad night of sleep?"

"Yeah. The A.C. is broken."

"Damn. You should come and stay over until it's fixed."

"Oh..." I honestly try to think of an excuse why I can't... but my brain isn't able to do that at the moment. "Yeah. Sure. Thanks." I blink my eye rapidly to try and wake up a little.

"Lies!" The voice smacks me and for a split second, I see the faintest moving shadow at the end of the hall.

"You okay?" Tyler is staring at me, my heart beginning to race.

"Yeah. Yeah." I blink some more.

"Okay." Does he believe me? "Then let's head to English."

Of all things we could do in English, we spend the entire class reading Macbeth. And somewhere halfway through Act 2, I yawn one final yawn that makes my entire body heavy and sends my eyes closing. Just seconds before my eyes close and things go dark I hear one thing.


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