Chapter 8

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"What's going on?" The lady is shaking, running up to the man with broad shoulders.

"They..." The man has a giant blood spot on his left shoulder.

"They found us?" He just nods. "Shit!" She looks to the door wedge and sees me. "Hey, sweetie." Her voice gets quiet and gentle. "I need you to be a big boy for me. I need you to go into the closet and hide in the suitcase. Can you do that for me?" She smiles big. "You're a good boy. I want you to remember that." Tears are in her eyes. "We'll be right there." She's lying.

A giant explosion shakes the room.


I wake up, sweating. My heart is racing unlike it ever has before. It feels as if an alien is ready to burst out. I throw my sheets off and jump out of bed. I quickly rush over to the window and open it, cold air rushing through and instantly cooling me off.

What the fuck was that? It felt so real. I swear it's like I was there.

I collapse down to the floor. The cold floor feels soothing.

"Fuck." I close my eyes and breath.

Suddenly I feel the tiniest of touches on my left ankle. My entire body clenches. I freeze. The temperature drops. It's so cold I feel the tips of my fingers sting. I want to crawl out of my skin as the tiny touch feels like a hand. I try opening my eyes, but my body won't listen. I feel the scrape of a nail as the hand moves up my leg. It doesn't quite feel like skin, but more tough, callused. The hand squeezes, tightening as gets to my thigh.

"S..." I can't scream no matter how hard I try.

A warm breath flies across my neck. I feel pressure building up in my chest. It's pushing through my ribcage. It's clawing its way out.

Then another hand grips my other thigh. They both squeeze, nails digging into my skin. It burns. It feels like multiple hot and rusty needles slowly slipping into my skin.

"Ahh!" I wake up, Abby standing above me with a look of pure fear on her face.

"Are you okay?"

I just stare at her as my body shakes and beats faster. I've never felt this before. It's as if my body is slowly combusting from the inside out. As if my skin is burning and ripping itself off my bones.

"I'm gonna call an ambulance." Abby turns to leave the room, but I grab her arm.


"Are you sure? You're burning up."

"I'm good." Complete and utter lie.

"Let me at least get you an ice pack and some medicine to help sleep."

"Fine. Thanks." No way I'm sleeping.

Abby leaves and comes back a minute later, handing me an ice pack, a glass of water, and some pills.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? Or at least a doctor tomorrow?"

"No. I'm good now."

"Okay. Just come and get me if you need anything."

"I will. Thanks."

Once Abby closes the door I immediately let out tears, the pain pushing me to a level I've never been to before. I pull back the sheets and see exactly what I thought I was feeling... five little punctures on each of my thighs, blood already healed and scabbing.

Oh, I'm definitely not sleeping.

Locked Away - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now