Chapter 36

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"These are from the two guys over there." The bartender places two more tequila shots in front of me and looks over to the two guys at the end of the bar.

One's hot. One's kinda cute. They're both in suits and totally not fitting this club's vibe. I take down both shots, keeping eye contact with the hot one. Then I wait for them both to walk over to me. The kinda cute one says something, but he's quiet and the music overpowers his voice. I just lean forward, running one hand into the hot one's hair while I kiss the kinda cute one.

"My name's..."

"Shh. No names needed." I stop the hot one, grabbing his tie. "Let's go."

I walk ahead of both of them, leading them to the bathroom. I look under the stalls, empty. I turn to them.

"Lock the door." The kind cute one listens.

I pull down my pants.


I wait until they're both dressed before unlocking the door.

"Hey." The hot one begins talking again. "We've got a hotel room..."


"Well, we were thinking we could continue the party." I just laugh. "Really? Come on..." He walks up and puts his hand on the door. "We just had some fun. Why don't we have a bit more?"

"Nah." I laugh some more.

"Come on..." The kinda cute one joins the hot one.

"First off, your dick is tiny." I look the hot one in the eyes. "And second," I look to the kinda cute one. "And I've seen squirrels last longer."

"What the fuck?" The hot gets angry.

"Let's get out of here." The kinda cute one is getting flustered, making him slightly cuter.

"No. We're here to party. And this faggot is gonna show us a good time."

"Really?" My blood starts to boil. "Calling me a fag while you were just sucking my dick about two minutes ago?" I imagine his cute little face caving it, his skull cracking and blood shooting out.

"Why don't we just calm down..." The kinda cute one touches my arm and I snap.

I twist the kinda cute one's arm until I hear a snap.

"Fuck!" He shouts and quickly falls down to the ground.

"What the fuck?" The hot one looks scared but ready to fight.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I poke at his chest and then he swings at me.

I stand still, letting his fist come in contact with my face. I feel the pressure. I feel the instant pain. Then I taste the blood in my mouth. I push him back and spit the blood out.

"Fuck. You!" I close my eyes. I begin to imagine everything. All the pain. All the horror. Everything!

Crackle. Wait. What the fuck am I doing? I open my eyes and the guy is swinging at me again. This time I duck and let him punch the door.

"Fuck!" He shouts as he cowers backward with his broken hand.

I just look at the two of them. The pain they're both in. I think about the weird pleasure I'm feeling from it. The joy it's bringing me to see them in pain. It's like a drug. All I want to do is watch them bleed. Watch them cry in pain.


My heart starts racing and I quickly run out of the bathroom. I start bumping into people. I can feel their eyes on me. As they look at me, all I can think of is them being hurt. A broken arm. Snapping their heads. Fingers tore off. Eyes popping. Tears start rolling down my face. I feel this pressure in my chest. My lip quivers. My throat tightens.

I can't... breath.

I start collapsing to the floor and a few people start running in my direction.

Then my mind goes to one thing...


Crackle. Pop.

I close. The tightness in my chest tightens even more. I open my eyes and I'm lying on the floor of Tyler's room.

"Eliot?" Tyler jumps out of bed and comes to me.

"I... I..." I try speaking, but I can't get any air into my lungs.

"It's okay. Just calm down. Breathe."

"I..." I try and it just hurts.

"Please. Just breath." He starts to cry.

I take a second and focus on breathing. Just breathing. I push back all other thoughts. For just a moment I let it all go, taking one deep breath in and letting a big breath out.

"Good. Again." I do it again.

"I'm so so so sorry." He's blurry through the tears in my eyes.

"It'll be okay." He takes my head into his lap.

"Something's wrong with me." My lip quivers as I cry. "Something is really wrong with me."

"No. Don't say that." He strokes my hair.

"The world would just be better if I were to die." I stare off into the distance.

"You're wrong."

"No one would miss me." More tears just begin to roll down my face, the energy draining from me all at once.

"I would..." He holds me tight until I run out of tears and fall asleep.

Locked Away - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now