Chapter 13

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"Okay. I think it's time we go to bed." Duncan looks over to the passed-out Bryan.

"Same here." Nina looks to Bode who is now in a candy coma. "Mind helping?" She looks to Duncan.

"Of course.' Then he turns to me. "It was nice meeting you."


Duncan wakes up Bryan, who heads upstairs behind him and Bode.

"Hey, Eliot." Nina walks up to me. "Feel free to stay the night. If you want. It's pretty late."


"Goodnight guys. Don't stay up too late." She walks off, leaving Tyler, Kinsey, and me alone in the living room.

"Wanna watch a movie? Something scary?" Kinsey smiles at us.

"Sure." Tyler looks to me. "You staying?"

"Yeah. Sounds fun. A night at Key House. Sounds like a horror movie itself."

"I'll get the popcorn." Kinsey runs off, leaving Tyler and I sitting next to each other in silence.

"So... you can stay in the guest room... or..." He's cute when he's flustered. "You can stay in my room." Is he saying what I think he is?

"Your room does look comfy." Now he's smiling. He has such a cute smile.

Then a sudden loud thump makes me jump.

"You okay?" Tyler looks confused.

"Yeah. Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"


"So I've got popcorn and some pizza."

"Oh, I'll take the pizza." Tyler and I both reach for it.

Our hands touch for just a second before he lets go of it, giving it to me.

The movie is "scary" in some ways, but not what I was expecting from the girl who loves horror movies. Eventually, however, Kinsey falls asleep on the couch. Tyler looks to me, tired but smiling. I smile back.

"Wanna go to bed?" Is this really happening?

"Yeah." Tyler puts a blanket over Kinsey. He's so sweet.

Then we go upstairs. I'm so ready for this, but part of me is nervous and ready for this to go horribly wrong.

What if I'm reading everything wrong? What if this is the final nail in the coffin?

"So..." Tyler begins as his bedroom door closes.

"Yeah..." I'm not normally this awkward. What's going on?

"Do you..."

"I just want to make sure." I blurt out.

"Of what?"

"That this is what you want. Is this just something I'm reading into? Or something you're feeling pressured to do? Or like... I don't know..."

Just then, as my head begins to spin, Tyler steps forward and places his lips on mine. Our lips hold together for the most amazing and beautiful 30 seconds of my life. It truly feels like there is magic between us. I can hear bells and music. My entire body turns to mush. It's the sort of thing I've seen in movies and have always made fun of. I never thought this sort of feeling existed. It's... magical.

"Wow." It slides out of my mouth like vomit as he steps back.

"Yeah." He has the cutest and largest smile covering his face. "Does that answer your question?"

"Yes, and more."

"How 'bout I answer some more?"

"No arguments here."

We move back together. Our lips connect and not only feel like before but better. It's as if each time we get closer. We understand each other more.

Eventually, we make our way to his bed. We can't stop kissing. And I wouldn't want to. I run my hands in the back of his hair while he feels up my ass, which makes me happy.

Is this real? Is this just a wet dream I'm having?

I run my hand under his shirt, feeling that beautiful body. Then I start to move it on down. I reach the top of his pants and begin dipping my fingers down.

"Hey." Tyler stops kissing and moves his hand onto mine.

"Oh. Sorry. Not yet?"

"Yeah. Maybe just take this a little slower."

"Of course. Whatever you feel comfortable with."

"Thanks. I'm actually really tired. Can we continue this in the morning?"

"Yeah. Sure." Shit. Did I mess this up?

I start moving out of the bed.

"Wait. You don't need to leave the bed."

"Oh?" Maybe I didn't. "Big spoon or little spoon?"

"Little." I should've guessed.

I scootch back onto the bed and grab him like he's my little stuffed animal. His head right beneath my chin. I wrap my arms around him. He grabs my arms.

"Thanks for this," I whisper.

"Well, it's not just for you."

"No. I mean all of this. Being my friend. Giving me... hope."

"Aww." He turns his head to me. "Of course. Thanks for... all of this." He's blushing and yawns.



I lay there and watch him fall asleep before falling asleep myself.

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