Chapter 6

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 "What's up with this town?" I ask Tyler as we drive past the town square.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. It's almost like there's something off... something... dark."


I look out at the forest.

"Nothing. Nevermind." I look at him and smile.

Am I smiling enough? Believable?

"You're weird."

"You're welcome." I put the window down, feeling the fresh fall air hitting my face.

"About earlier..." Oh no. "I'm sorry all that got brought up."

I take in a deep breath and before I know it I start climbing out of the car window.

"What the fuck!" Tyler starts pressing on the brakes.

"No," I look back in the car. "Keep going."


"Just drive." And he does so.

I sit on the window, legs in the car, body out. I place my hands on the top of the car, the heat of the metal burning just a little. I tilt my head back, letting the wind blow through my hair. I watch the light seeping through the tops of the trees. The wind blows a single leaf off. The leaf soars above my face. I watch as it flies behind the car and off into the distance.

Maybe this place is not that bad.

I let my hands move off the car and to my side, letting the wind blow through my body. The air is just the right temperature. It tickles the skin. I close my eyes and feel the sun. I smell the trees. The nature. The simplicity of it all.

God damn, I wish life could stay this simple.

I slide back into the car. I can feel Tyler's eyes on me, but I don't care. I just stare straight, enjoying the sounds around me.

A few minutes later we reach a giant, old, and beautiful house.

"Holy shit!" Tyler just laughs. "This house is amazing." He pulls up and parks.

"Welcome to Key House." Tyler gets out of the car.

"Key House?" We walk up the steps.

"Oh yeah. It's a family house."

"Okay I don't mind a house with a name, but why Key?"

"Oh shit, forgot you don't know my last name." He starts putting the key into the door.

"And your last name is...?"

"Locke, with an e."

"Oh..." Tyler Locke... cute name.

"Hey!" A shout from behind us.

Why does everyone in this town sneak up from behind?

"Hey." She's tall, red-headed, and carrying a bunch of bags.

She just looks at me then back at Tyler.

"Oh, this is Eliot. He's new to town."

"Oh. Nice to meet you..." She goes to raise her hand, but it's full.

"Let me help." I reach and grab a few of the bags.


We all walk in together and into the beautiful kitchen.

"This place is like something out of a movie. It's absolutely amazing."

"Thanks. My name's Nina by the way." she puts out her hand and we shake. "So what brings you and your family to Matheson?"

"Abby got a managing job at the hospital."

"Oh..." She's currently thinking who Abby could be and if she's my mom then why I call her by her name. "That's nice. So is she a doctor?"

"That's very nice. And your dad?"

"Roger." I immediately respond and respond to it with emphasis. "He's..." Oh lord, there's things I want to say. "He does his own thing."

"Okay. Well, would you like to stay for dinner? I'm making tacos." I look to Tyler and he smiles.

"Sure. Thanks."

"We're just gonna hang up in my room."

"Okay." Tyler starts walking away.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

We go up and Tyler immediately takes his shirt off. My eyes go straight to his body. It's nothing remarkable... but it's not bad. I quickly avert my eyes when he turns around. I look at the wall. Pretend to be interesting in the random shit he has hung up on his wall.

"Hey, Ty." Kinsey walks into the room.

"Kins! You ever think about knocking?" I look over and he's putting on a shirt.

"Not really." She looks and is surprised to see me. "Hey, Eliot."


"Can I..." She looks at Tyler, obviously wanting a private chat.

"Oh, yeah. I'll be right back." The two walk out of the room, Tyler leaving the door open just the slightest.

"I need the Head Key." I can barely hear them, standing up and walking up to the door to hear better.

What? I'm snoopy.

"Really? You just had it."

"Come on. I just need to do some studying."

"Fine. Then give me the Anywhere Key."

Head Key? Anywhere Key?


I snoop over and look out of the door. I watch as they each take keys out of their pockets and hand them to each other.

"You need to test him." Is she talking about me?

"I know."

"You know that new people aren't always... you know..."

"No. I really don't. It was only Gabe."

"Oh shut up. Just test him."

Am I about to be brought into a cult or something?

"I am. I was just about to do it before you barged in."


"Great. Now beat it."

"Beat it. Lord, you turn 18 and now you're talking like mom."

Tyler just rolls his eyes and turns to the room. I quickly rush back to the seat, take out my phone, and pretend to start scrolling through my email.

"Hey. Sorry about that."

"No problem."

"So..." He sits on his bed across from me. "Would you mind taking this from me?" He holds out that key that Kinsey just gave him.


"I know it's weird, but..."

"Oh yeah. Sure. No problem." I reach forward.

No problem at all...

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