Chapter 40

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"It can't be these three." I pull three of the papers off the table. "It doesn't have wings." I look at them all some more, focusing. "Not these." I pull two more off.

"Why?" Kinsey has a notepad.

"They're just not." She takes note.

I look at the rest, but one just keeps nagging at me. I pick it up. I read through the little bit there is about it. I read through again. Then again. And again.

"What's wrong?" Tyler puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's this one."

"Really?" Kinsey walks over and looks at the paper.

"Yeah. Its name is... Shlukos?"

"Are you sure?" Tyler looks at the paper.

"Well it could sound like uh, but oo sounds better."

"No. I mean are you sure this is it?" I laugh a little.

"Yeah. It's in my gut. Something about it I strongly recognize."

"What'd you find on this one?" He turns to Kinsey.

"Well, this sorta sucks because this was the one I found the least on. I looked all over the internet, and even the darknet. But all I really found is that it's been mentioned back as far as the Dark Ages."

"What?" Tyler is shocked, but I'm not really.

"Yeah. A lot of lore around it just says that it's evil. That there were worshippers of it, but eventually, with the rise of Christianity, the church destroyed any alters statues and basic evidence of its existence."

"So basically the Christian Church was even afraid of this thing?" Tyler sits down.


I stand there for a minute and just stare at that sheet of paper. My head starts repeating all the moments I've met this thing... or I guess Shlukos. Now that I know its name, something about it feels less scary. A lot of the worry on my shoulders just goes away. But then this nagging feeling hit's me.

"We need to kill it." Tyler and Kinsey's heads snap towards me.

"Kill it? I was thinking we could take it out of you and trap it, at most. Do you really think we can kill an ancient evil being that's been around since god knows how long?" Kinsey is looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Yeah. Well maybe."

"Maybe." She puts her face in her hands.

"Well we'll just have to try." Tyler steps up to me. "I"m sure we'll find a way."

"Yeah. And I think I actually have an idea..." Kinsey puts her head up, intrigued. "And we're going to need more help."

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