Chapter 15

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Since that night, I've had no more crazy dreams. Nothing weird has happened. Just weeks of making out with Tyler. It's probably been the best weeks of my life.

Eww did I really just say that?

I literally feel like a little girl fawning over a boy. We've been sneaking around and making out every chance we get. I leave nearly every class at school to make out in the unused bathroom in the back of the campus. I go over to Key House every single day and we make out in his room for hours. Every once in a while we study or do some homework.

But as time has passed and Thanksgiving approaches, I begin to think about two things. First, when will Tyler be ready to do...more? Like I really like making out. It's a lot of fun. I would love to continue doing it, but... I wouldn't hate moving on to doing something... more. I literally get a boner every time we make out and I can feel his... so why can't we just go for it... for something. And second, Is Tyler planning on coming out? We've talked about it a couple of times. He keeps saying he's waiting for the right time. And trust me, I get that, but I just need to know that he is actually going to do it someday. For some reason, I feel hesitation with him when I mention it. It doesn't help that every time I mention it he starts kissing me.

"Hey. Eliot?" I snap out of my head and look up and see Tyler.

"Hey." I can't stop myself from smiling the biggest smile each time I see him.

"Sorry that took so long. My mom got so many groceries and then she had to talk to me about my grades. She wouldn't stop talking." I stand up.

"What's wrong with your grades?"

"Well... they may have dropped a little."

"Ty! How much is a little?"

"Well, my English and History grades only went down a few percentages, not changing grades. But... my Physics and Calc grades each went down a letter."


"I just... it's senior year and..."

"And you and me?"

"No. It's not..."

"Yes, it is. And honestly, I'm not here to be with a high school dropout."

"I'm not."

"Then let's study."

"But..." He slides his hand onto my chest.

"No." I step back and grab his Physics book, handing it to him.


"And for each hour you study, we can make out for 10 minutes."



"Deal." I kiss him and take a seat on his bed.

"Hey, Ty!" Kinsey barges into the room.

Damn that stupid broken door lock!


"What?" She looks over at me. "Hey, Eliot."


"You need to knock before coming in."

"Oh lord. I just need..." Her eyes move over to me, then back to Tyler.

"One second. Be right back." He says to me before leaving with Kinsey, closing the door completely this time.

He comes back a few minutes later.

"Sorry 'bout that."

"Yeah. No problem." Yet you still won't tell me the truth... or your family...

Locked Away - Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang