Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Grammatical error ☑️

Mew p.o.v

It's a brand new day again,and i can't help to think what will happen today, if ever i get the chance to encounter with Gulf,And i settle my mind that i will be a good boy today not dare to make out with others.

As Gulf always pop off know wheres,he is like a bunny jumping and jumping in every situation.ahahaha well I can't blame him he is literally a bunny, and if ever he see me again making out with others?,he will literally kill me for sure as he make him self clear at the parking lot that he will kill/punished me if ever i will do silly.

but why i am bothered about what he said?ohh! i almost forgot,he is courting me Because of bet! (please include the sarcasm)And i know it too that if i reject him or not give him permission to court me,he will still court me without my permission,so why  bother to reject him right?he is stubborn as fuck!.

but I can't help but to recall the conversation we had yesterday at type condo

Flashback (the conversation)

"Mew i encounter Gulf earlier,and we talk a bit and we plan to hangout" Mike said and i can't help to frown at what he said.

"what do you mean by we talk a bit?and you plan to hangout? are you now friends or what? I said harshly and Mike just smirk at me

"calm down Mew,i won't touch your soon to be boyfriend,ok?so chill! but i can tell that he is handsome as fuck and at the same time he is cute too, you're so lucky with Gulf!" Mike said excitedly and I can't help but to agree with what Mike said, Gulf is a real beauty.and to think him being my boyfriend? I don't think so,even tho i will Say Yes with his proposal it's always about bet, But i just shrugged it off.

"Whatever,can you just shut up your mouth,look at Type he is now sleeping,so shut up!" i said and he just stare me with his suspicious eyes.

" Nah i won't shut up not now,i have still something to say, just give him (gulf) a chance mew,and let your past go!" Mike said seriously at me and i can see the worry in his face,i just sigh at what he said.

" i can't just let go of my past,after all that's the reason why i become like this" i said emotionless,he just sigh and patted my shoulder.

" I know that it's hard for you to move on, but give your self a chance to be happy again,I know you and Gulf are enemy,but he still a good man,I knew it too that his gender is not a problem to you Because you're Bi.Plesae Mew for once give your self the happiness that you deserve" mike said sincerely and i didn't dare to utter a single word,as i don't know how to say..

Flash back ends

i thik a lot about what Mike said,But even tho i will give my self a chance to be happy that won't happen, because i know that i can't be happy and happiness won't suit me. I just shrugged all the tought that running inside my head and walk faster to get to my first class.

After sometime i am now standing outside of our class,i walk inside and scan my surrounding just to see if all my classmates are already here now,but as i scan my surrounding, my gaze landed at the sit beside me and there he is,the boy that occupied my head  earlier, sitting in his chair his eyes are close and a headphone attached in his ears maybe listening to random music.i walk towards him and sit beside him,

He sense that someone sit beside him as he open his eyes, and turn his head towards me and that's when our eyes met, i know he is beautiful but fuck his eyes are also beautiful,he have a hazel brown eyes,as i continue to stare at his eyes,he then turn his gaze other side,and that's when i come back with my sense.

"what are you staring at?" he angrily ask me and i wonder why he always mad?

"why?is it bad to stare at the person who is courting me?" i ask him teasingly and he gave me his famous glare.

"yes,it's bad and if i find that you make out again early in the morning i will literally punished you" he said to me threateningly and i just stare at him amusingly

"Calm down Gulf, i promise i am a good boy today" i said and he just give me his suspicious stare and the scoffed

"You better" he said to me and as i was about to talk our professor came inside and he start his discussion again and me?i didn't bother to pay attention to the discussion and occupied my head again with random thoughts,how i did that? I don't know too.

i turn my gaze at Gulf and to my surprise he is listening at what our professor is saying,then i nudged him to get his attention and he turn his head towards me and he gave ne again his deathly glare,

i lean towards him and he whispered

"Can we talk later after our prof  discussion?i just want to clarify something about the dare you make?" i said not to loud and he stare at me for a while and then he nod and he turn again his head in front and he continue to listen at professor,so i decide to listen too as i am bored..and i don't want to think anything,not now but maybe later.Ahahha



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