Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Grammatical error ☑️

Mew p.o.v

I'm shocked, I'm stunned, I can't breathe properly. are we really kissing right now? i can't imagine that Gulf initiate the kiss, i mean i know that it's a dare but i really don't expect that Gulf will do it? I came back to my shocked mode,when Gulf bit my lower lip.

so I put my both hands on his waist, and pulled him closer and i deepend the kiss and Gulf moan and that's made me go crazy as i kiss him crazily and bit his lower lip that made him gasp and open his mouth a little, and That's when i have the opportunity to insert my tounge inside his mouth and we fought for dominance but of course i won.

so i roam my tounge inside his mouth to taste his sweet carven, The thought of my friends are watching us didn't Cross on my mind as i am too busy tasting and abusing Gulf mouth, but after awhile we have to pulled away as we both have to breathe,

So I pulled first and We both gaps for air, Gulf are still panting and cathing his breathing, i just watch him doing that untill he regain his breath fully, and look up at me and that's when our eyes came in contact and once again, i am lose in that beautiful eyes again.

we just stare at each other,but our trance broke and we came in our senses when we heard a fake cough.

Gulf immediately stand up and he sit again beside me, and i straighten my posture and look away as i am too embarrassed, wait why i am even embarrassed? whatever.

i look at Gulf and he is now blushing.....Cute.

"Wow that was too intense" Win said that made me look away at Gulf and grab my beer and took a sip on it, just to hide my red face as i can feel now that i am blushing too.

" Yeah! that was too intense, and i thought you will gave as a live porn here" Man said and that's when i glare at him and he just grinned at me in return i was about to snapped at them but Gulf spoke first.

" So what? it's a dare so i have to do it, and beside he is my boyfriend so what's the big deal?" Gulf ask them annoyingly and i just stare at him, as I can't believe that he will say such things like that? i know he is now drunk but i didn't know that he is this bold when he was drunk.

" Yeah, yeah we know that you two are boyfriends but we didn't really expect that you will kiss him, even though it is a dare, I thought you will refuse,but I'm wrong,and wait i said kiss him in just 30 seconds but your seconds turn to minutes,Wow you're so bold" Win said teasingly and he fake his surprised, And he just received a deathly glare dirty finger from Gulf.

"Hey, stop teasing us and let just continue drinking, but we have to stop playing spin the battle as I don't want to play it again" I said while putting my hands on Gulf Waist and to my surprise he didn't pulled my hands away,he even put his head on my shoulder.

" Yeah that's right, we just continue drinking and not playing" Bright said this time and so we continue drinking and chatting..

I look at the person beside me, and i saw that his eyes are close so i lowered my head to whisper at him " Are you ok?" i ask him softly and he just nod his head that is still on my shoulder and he didn't open his eyes, i bet he is now drunk..

" You want to go home na?" i ask him again and this time he open his eyes and look at me and he shook his head sign that he don't want to go home yet.

" ok if that what you want, but you can sleep for a while so that you can regain your sense later" i said while rubbing the side of his waist and he just closed his eyes again and nod..

after that i continue drinking,while talking to my friends, we just talk randomly until, Man and Type nock out as they are now truly drunk and so they pass out and I turn my gaze toward bright and Win and they also now sleeping hugging each other.

I look at the person beside me and he still are sleeping,i smile a bit looking at his sleeping face, I can't help but to coo, as he is so cute while sleeping.

Hey,stop staring at him and stop saying cute'
My thought said and i just sigh and pick him up and walked towards the guest room of brightwin and lay him down on the bed, and i tucked him properly so that he can sleep peacefully.

as i was about to walked outside, there's someone pulling my shirt and i turn around and saw that Gulf was holding the hem of my shirt tightly, and i tried to take off his hands on my shirt but he just tightly hold it.

so I don't have a choice but yo kau down beside him, and he came close towards me and he put he snuggle his face on my neck.i just sigh and closed my eyes as i can now feeling dizzy and sleepy..and after a while the sleepiness took over me..



"Whenever you feel that you want to give up already, just remember who you are. Because the real you shouldn't give up easily and keep on fighting instead."


"IT'S ALL STARTED WITH A DARE"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz