Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Grammatical error ☑️

third person p.o.v

Morning comes, Birds are chirping and singing happily.The sun was brighter as ever and the golden lights from the sun is spreading everywhere.while the people are happily walking and driving their car to their destination.

but two souls are still sleeping on the soft bed while cuddling, it's seems like they don't want to wake up or open their eyes,as they are comfortable holding each other like they're life is depends on that simple hug, and so they  both snuggled more giving each other a warmth with heir body heat.

But the annoying Sun is peeking through the window as the curtains are not close enough to stop the light coming inside of the room, and it's directly hit Gulf face.

as he is facing towards the window and Mew are back hugging him,

Gulf squirm a bit as he felt something warm hitting his face, and he whined because that something is disturbing his precious sleep.

So he annoyingly open his eyes and the light of the sun immediately hit his eyes, and he whined at that as he tightly closed his eyes and squeeze it to decrease the pain his eyes felt when the sun light directly went to his eyes.

he turn his head in other way and slowly open his eyes and he met with the sleeping face of Mew, Gulf was surprised,and he think that he is just being delusional, so he rub his eyes with his both hand and open it after a while to prove that he is actually are being delusional,but then the sleeping Face still in front of him,he blink again many times but to no avail.He still seeing the same face, a sleeping face.

He was about ta scream but a tight grip from his waist stop him, and so, he slowly turn his gaze toward his waist and that's when he realized that, Mew not just Sleeping beside him but also hugging him tightly!

He abruptly sit up, and that's cause of Mew's hand lose his grip on his waist and Mew whined on his sleep, as can't feel anymore the warmth his feeling earlier

Gulf look at him like he is a ghost or something,he was about to hit Mew but then he suddenly felt dizzy and a sudden pain hit his head, and that's when he confirmed that he was having a headache.

He groaned as he put his both hands on his head and he annoyingly ruffle his already messy hair.

He can't help but to groaned loudly as the headache increase,and  he suddenly snapped his heads towards Mew,and he sighed as he saw that Mew didn't move a bit a sign that he still on his deep slumber.

he was about to get up, but a memories suddenly flush on his mind.

'memories of the last night, how they play Spin the bottle, and him being was dared to kiss Mew'

after the flashbacks on his head, he became statue and his eyes was ready to pop off.

hew was surprised and shocked,he couldn't believe that he just kiss Mew and to think that he initiate the kiss.even though is just a dare still he KISS MEW his fake boyfriend!

He turn his gaze again at the sleeping boy beside him, and he suddenly felt like his cheeks was burned as he is blushing hard, he c touched his cheeks and he can feel the warm on his cheek

so as an instinct, he immediately get up and run outside of the room as he felt suffocated, he open the door and run outside and he was relieved that his friends are still sleeping as he saw Mike,Type and Man lying on the floor and fast asleep, and he also saw Bright and Win on the couch sleeping peacefully while hugging each other.he sigh and silently run outside the apartment.

He really just want to go home and have a cold shower and drink a pain killer as the headache are still killing him, while thinking this he increase his running until he finally arrived at the parking lot of the building,

he search were his car was parked and it didn't take long for him to find his car as he saw it beside brightwin car, he immediately came towards the driver seat and occupied it, as he kick the pedal and he drive away until he gets home.

He parked his car on his garage and immediately run to his room and take a long cold shower as he really need that right now.

while he was showering,he  can't stop but to recall the incident that happened last night, and he groaned loudly as the headache increase more and he think that, if he think or recall that incident again,the headache will increase and increase more.

And so he annoyingly turn off the water and grab his towel and place it on his hips,and he came outside the bathroom and sprinted to his wardrobe and pick a randomly shirt and short to wear, and after he finally dress up,he grab the painkiller in the table beside his bed and took a glass of water and drink it in one go.

he sigh loudly and he lay his body on his soft and wide bed and close his eyes, as he was so exhausted and still sleepy.

So he close his eyes and after a while he was sleeping peacefully again...



short update!

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