Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Gulf p.o.v


Grammatical error ☑️
and that's what happens..Oh btw i am here now at brightwin Condo sitting in their long and fluffy couch.

and if you ask me why i am here?well Win Called me because they want to hangout here in their place, and i am too bored laying on my bed. i agree and so i am here, Sitting
and getting annoyed as bright and win are flirting in front of my fucking face!

" Can you two stop flirting? i am getting annoyed by your action! and you said you want to hangout?and why Man is not here? i ask them annoyingly and they immediately stop what their doing and face me.

" Ai'Gulf stop being annoyed ok? or are you jsut jelouse because me and P'bright are being lovey-dovey?" Win ask me teasingly and i just stare at him irritatingly

" for your fucking kind information I'm not jelouse! and why would i be jelouse?when you two are sucks at flirting?" i snapped at them and they  both seemed offended at what i said,tssk they deserve it!

" Ooiii fuck your mouth Gulf! and Baby just don't mind him,maybe he just miss his Boyfriend so he is acting like a bitch" Bright said while emphasized the word 'boyfriend' and i just scoff at what bright said,and i was about to snapped again but Win talk first.

" oh speaking of Man he is not here cause he pick your boyfriend at his condo as Mew car is flat" Win update me about mew.and i squinted my eyes at him and he said.

"why the hell Mike would pick him?for what?" I  ask Win and Win smirk at me before he speak

" because i called your boyfriend earlier to come here and hangout with us,but he said his Car is flat so i sent Man to pick him and in no time they will be here soon,so be patient you will soon see your boyfriend" Win said teasingly and i  throw the cushions that I am holding towards Win but thanks to bright fast reflect he dodge the flying cushion before it hit his boyfriend cute face,and Win just stock his tounge out towards me as he silently teasing me and in return he received a dirty finger from me.

"whatever! and what about Mike and Type are they not coming?" i ask as i lay down on the couch I'm sitting earlier.

" of course they're coming too,but they volunteer to buy the drinks and snacks that we need,so maybe they will arrive late" Win reply while playing the hair of his boyfriend.

and i  just 'humm' in return and close my eyes as i  am being comfortable lying on the fluffy couch..

as i was about to drifted off, but a knock from the door cought my attention but i didn't open my eyes as i am too lazy to move or even open my eyes..but soon i felt that there is someone sit beside me or rather above my head and then i felt a hot air that hitting my ear and...

"Hey babe i see you're being comfortable lying here" A voice came inside of my ear and I'm  so familiar with that voice, and so i open my eyes and  immediately sit up and face that person.

"Oiii what are you doing here?" i ask shouting well you can't blame me as i was so shocked that i didn't even remember that the boy sitting beside me are also invited to 'hangout' and the man next to me laughed 'how dare he to laugh at me?' i said inside my mind

" ohh i am also invited to this get together thingy,why you don't know that i am coming too? the man ask me offended and i was about to reply but Win butt in.

" ohh P'mew i told him that you are coming but seems like he forget about it when he saw you, maybe he really miss you as he is being a bitch earlier" Win said and a cocky smile plaster on his face.And laugh filled the room but I is not laughing as i am busy glaring at Win and win just laughed more when he saw my expression.

"Ai'Win you son of a pig,shut up your mouth!" I snapped as i am  so done with  him and with his idiot mouth.

" aww bunny stop glaring at N'win, i am here now" Mew said teasingly and He received a glare from me

" shut up! and why Mike and type are not here yet? i am getting bored now"  and like god hear my complain,as there is another knock on the door and Win stand up to open the door and it's Type and Mike holding a bucket of beer and snacks...


Short chapter?I know hahaha, I'll make it up to you guys in the next Chapter 😉

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