Chapter 33

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chapter 33

Grammatical error ☑️

third person p.o.v

After the class ended, The two of us are now in the road,Mew is driving and I am at the passenger sit ,looking outside the window as i am  staring at the beautiful scenery.

as the Sun is now slowly settling down and a beautiful orange and pinkish colour slowly engulfing the sky, I was lost again, I felt like comparing myself with the fading Sun, that I  is like a Sun fading his sanity and myself when a lot of things went to my head,
'They said Love will give you the Pleasure and Euphoria when the person you love is with you'  

but why i didn't felt like that when Mew was with me?, because i was thinking that loving a person with a dark past like Mew is difficult, even tho i still don't know what is Mew's past, and what could it be?but the thought of him Changing and become a monster himself is enough for me to think that Mew is really have a dark past..

'past' one word but why i am feeling like this simple word will be the cause of my death?' i am  not exaggerating,what will happen to me when the day he will reveal his past to me? will i stay and comfort him and give my love to him? or will i run away to him like a coward? I don't know! i am confused and i will be always confused untill the truth will be revealed!

why i even behaving like this? like a love sick girl?

i know everything that happened to me and Mew is flash, it's happened so fast that i couldn't even register all the things that happened to us, him becoming my fake boyfriend to win the dare and my plan is when he will be my fake boyfriend i will make sure that he will fall hard to me and i will brake him as a revenge, but now? i am the one who fall in my own bait? this is so funny right? a predator falling on his prey? really? that's so unbelievable!

I glance at him and his attention are still in the road as he is too focused on driving, and if you ask me if where we are going? then my answer is I DON'T KNOW!

i tried earlier to ask him where he will take me, he just smile at me and said ' you will know when we are already there' tsskk he is so cunning eh!

i am still looking at him, and that's when he avert his eyes towards me, and our eyes met.

and that's when  realized that i am staring at him for too long so, i immediately avert my eyes and look in front,

"A-ahh.. can you tell me now,where we going? we've been on the road for a while driving and we haven't reached the place you say" i said irritatedly and I heard him cackling,i gave him a deathly glare and he abruptly stop laughing

"be patient Gulf we are almost there" he said as he continue focusing on driving i just scoffed at him and look at the black sky full with a beautiful and shining star..i  lost myself at the beautiful sky,

untill the car came into halt and stop..

i look at him and he motion me to come out, and so i came outside the car to be met with the cold breeze and a wide clear space i scan my surrounding, untill my eyes cought the lights, it's not just a light but a different lights coming from the buildings and car's and that's when i realized that we are at the top of a cliff,

where you could see the beautiful city of Bangkok, full with different lights from the buildings and cars that are passing by..

i look up at the sky and a small smile appeared in my lips, as i saw the beautiful darkness of the sky with a  hundreds star twinkling and shinning..

" do you like it?" a voice came in my back i turn around to be face with Mew he is so close to me that i can feel his hot breathe funning my face.

i back away and turn my gaze in the city night " oum..yes, i like it.this place is beautiful, I don't know that there is this kind of place here in Bangkok" i said and i saw him standing beside and me.

" because you never came to this part if the city because your so busy with your like" he said laughing and i glare at him...

" tssskk!! but the way how did you find this place?" i said exchanging the topic,

he sigh and i look at him,he is staring at the star above the sky.

" i find this place in accident, i was driving that time and a lot if things are in my head and i felt that i need some space yo short things out, So i drive and drive until i saw this and after that this place become my safe place" he said and i can see the slight smile forming in his lips.a sad smile..

" I didn't know that Mew Supassit is have a safe like this" i said mocking him, he look at me and he just smile,

" come let sit there" he said while pointing in a tree that i didn't saw earlier he grab my hands and drag me to the tree,

he let go of my hand and he settle down, i look at him and he patted the space beside me " come sit beside me" he said smiling, i nod at him and sit beside him..


I write this chapter earlier and thank god i finished it, i just felt the need to update so i rushed to finish this one as i am so busy with my school work.i hope you enjoy it🙃

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