Chapter 13

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"What about the move?" I asked.

"It's coming along" he says.

"How's Rose" I asked.

"Fine" he says.

"And you dad?" I question.

"Every one is fine Skye" he says with a small chuckle.

"And what about you" I asked.

"I'm perfect. My love came to visit" he says glancing at me.

"Well your love is bored and wants to help with something" I said.

"I won't let my love out of my sight" he says.

"Then let's go do something" I said.

"Go get ready" he says.

"What's wrong with what I got on now" I said.

"it's not fit to what I have plan. Unless you want to complain how hot it is all the way there" he says.

"Ok fine" I said walking out  then walked towards the room. I can feel Ryker following me. I walk into the room and change in the closet.


"Where we going" I asked for the hundredth time now.

"When we get there you'll see" he says. I glare at him he smiles but doesn't look at me. After a few minutes he pulls over parking around some trees. "let's go Skye" he says. I look to see him out the car and waiting by a tree. I get out to he starts to walk I walk beside him.

"Where--" I start. He cuts me off

"You'll see once we get there" he says. "If you want to use your mouth you can always kiss me, stop talking so you can hear the nature" he says. I push him he slightly moves.

"Carry me" I said he looks from my feet then up to my eyes then back to my legs.

"I don't mean to sound perverted but your legs look sexy and my hands don't know how to control themselves" he says with a smirk I blush.

"Just because you started off with 'I don't mean to sound perverted' you're a pervert" I said he smirks.

"You suggested it so you're more of a pervert" he says then kisses me I kiss back. He stops and looks towards me I look towards the house in front of u. Not house more like cabin "this is where I hid as a kid" he says.

"Can we go in" I asked. He nods and takes out a key and we make our way into the house. It was plain wooden with many pictures and many tiny hand prints in paint. I walk towards the wall to see the pictures. There was one big one it was drawn with crayon with four people in it they were stick figures but they were surrounded by trees and a house in the back. And hand prints next to the stick people with names on the top. Romeo, Ryan, Ryker, and Riley.

"Ryker" I said moving from the wall. I went to look for him seeing he wasn't watching me. I found a door that said 'guys only Danger Keep Out' I was gonna open the door.

"Boys only Skye" he says grabbing my hand.

"I want to see" I said he shakes his head.

"No" he says taking my hand.

"Why did you bring me here" I asked.

"Your important to me just like how this place is important to me. So I thought I should take you here" he says.

"Well it's nice but who's Riley?" I asked. He glances at me then starts to walk I follow.

"You know the car is the other way" I said. He doesn't answer we stop.

"Strip to your bra and underwear" he says. I raise and eyebrow.

"What" I said.

"Just do it Skye" he says.

"Are you striping to ?" I asked he nods. "Your not gonna rape me right" I asked slowly. He looks mad I said that but it turns into a smirk.

"It's not rape if you're screaming for more right" he says. I blush he starts to take off his clothes and I do the same. He hands me his shirt I put it on and it covers me. "do you love me?" He asked. I blush

"I don't think so" I said he smirks slightly. Before pouting he starts backing up to the edge of the cliff.

"But I love you. But I must go because you don't love me back" he says.

"R-Ryker what are doing " I said walking closer to him. I stop once he falls off the edge and yells I love you. I start to cry "ok Ryker I love you" I say. Soon I feel wet arms on me.

"I love you to Skye" Ryker voice says.

"You tricked me" I push him he smiles and kisses my cheek.

"It's just water I didn't expect for you to cry" he says. lifting his shirt that was on me to wipe my eyes. "Can you swim?" He asked. I nod he stands up and takes my hand pulling me up with him. We go to the edge I see it's a lake or maybe ocean. But how did he get up here "look over there it's kinda like stairs" he says pointing to the rocks that lead back up

"I don't want to die" I said. Looking how far the fall was.

"You won't I done this millions of times. It's like 90% clean water...I hope" he says.

"No Ryker I'm not going to jump" I say.

"You don't have to" he says "I love you" he says holding on to me. We start falling and I scream we hit the water it's so cold. I'm not going to lie that was fun. Ryker pops up next to me.

"Again" I said swimming towards the rocks.

"Be careful don't run you can get nasty cut" he yells. I give him a thumbs up. Then go back to where we jumped from and jumped by myself.


It was starting to get dark and cold so we had to leave. I drag my feet to the car before I can get in Ryker pulls me to behind the car. He gives me some boxers and a clean big shirt I I start to take off my clothes. He looks away. Once I'm done I realize he has back on his shorts. I close the trunk and Ryker turns to me I pull him down for a kiss. This kiss felt different it was slow and passionate he pulls my body closer to his I pull away.

"Thank you I had fun today" I said.

"You don't have to thank me but I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." he says kissing my cheek. I get in the car he does the same. He starts the engine and I start to feel sleepy.

"Sleep" he says and puts a sheet over me. I soon fall asleep.

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