Part 1- Sage Foster: Chapter 1

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Part 1- Sage Foster

Chapter 1

My mother, Angela Foster, had always been overprotective. It was like she was shielding me from the outside world, keeping me locked up for my own safety. For the most part, I didn't care, but I did care when she suggested I go back to school. School wasn't for me. I thought that this was obvious from the number of times I had missed days of school each time I fainted. It wasn't that I didn't take care of myself, I was really sick. I constantly had these dizzy spells, and my mother knew how to deal with them without sending me to the hospital. She said it was better if I didn't go to the hospital and I believed her, but no one else would. I wasn't sure if this school had a nurse, but even if it did someone was still bound to call an ambulance if I fainted. And I had no doubt that I would faint; it happened every month. While some girls had to worry about getting their period, I had to worry about losing consciousness. Unlike other girls, I never got my period. It wasn't like I wanted to be subjected to that, but it would have been nice to be considered normal for a change. I had no idea what was wrong with me. My mother always said I was perfectly healthy, but I wasn't. There is something wrong with me, I have some sort of disease. It isn't contagious, I had learned that much; but it was there, and it always made me feel different.

My sneakers squeaked as they made their way down the hallway. The floor was polished so well that I could see my reflection gazing back up at me, the queerness staring back at me. I was queer in more ways than one. Firstly, I had bright red hair, but I preferred to lie to myself and call it auburn. Also, the bright red hair was mismatched with my hazel eyes. People with red hair usually have green eyes, but not me. It looked like Autumn had chosen me to represent it, which is probably why Autumn has always been my least favourite season. I don't understand why people think Autumn is pretty, it isn't. It is just a scheme of red, orange and brown, the most disgusting colours that exist. There's no difference if it is called vermillion red, pumpkin orange, or mud brown, the shade doesn't matter. Autumn is ugly and there is no getting past that.

I can do it. I kept repeating this phrase to myself as I moved past the classrooms that surrounded me on either side. I hoped that if I said it enough times, the words would prove to be true. I could feel the eyes of the students in the hall scorching holes in the back of my denim jacket. There was one girl in particular who was staring at me, long and hard, like she hoped I would fall flat on my face. She had an electric aura around her, and blue seemed like her signature colour. Her hair was blue, and so were her clothes. I had always thought blue was a calming colour. Oh well, I guess it depends on who wears it. If I was Autumn, she was most definitely Winter.

I released a breath I hadn't realised I was holding and continued walking in the direction I thought the front office was in.

"You lost?"

I spun around on my heels and came face to face with a boy slightly older than me leaning against a locker. He was grinning at me. No, scratch that, he was smirking at me. His eyes were a perfect hue of yellow, almost golden. He was dressed to impress, in a tight black leather jacket and expensive looking designer boots. He ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair, forcing me to gaze back up at his face. His cheeks held the slightest hint of baby fat, giving him an appearance that suggested cute; but his attitude said more: he knew how to break a heart, and he would enjoy doing it.

"Sage?" he asked, surprised.

How did he know my name? I didn't get out much, and when I did I never spoke to boys.

"Don't you recognise me?" he inquired, with a slight tilt of his chin.

I shook my head.

"Ryan," he told me, as if the name would jog some kind of memory. "Ryan Simpson," he clarified when I gave him a blank expression.

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