Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

I didn't remember falling asleep, but I must have, because now we were in the bedroom and the light was streaming in from the widows.

"It's already morning," I said to myself.

"Yip." I hadn't realised Kaden was next to me, until he spoke. "You've been asleep for ages," he yawned. He was spooning me from the back and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. "How are you feeling?" he asked, inhaling my scent.

"Much better." I was feeling completely better. My shoulder wasn't even sore anymore, even when I touched it. "How are you feeling?"


"You touched my blood," I explained.

"I'm fine."

"You're sure?" I enquired, worry evident in my voice.


"What about Holden and Emma?" I asked. I couldn't get the picture of their motionless bodies out of my head; it was almost as if they were haunting me.

"Typical Sage," Kaden sighed. "Worried more about others than herself. We should change the bandage," he suggested, completely ignoring my question. I let it slide, since I would know pretty soon; it wasn't like he could hide it from me forever.

"Okay," I said sitting upright. "I'll do it." Even though he hadn't fallen sick, like Emma and Holden, I still wasn't willing to let him touch my wound: it wasn't worth the risk.

"You didn't do a pretty good job yesterday," he explained. "Don't be stubborn, let me do it."

I shook my head.

"Is this about the poisonous blood or is it about Gina?" he questioned, his forehead creasing.

"Both," I replied with a sigh.

"I slept in the same bed as you the whole night. I wasn't with Gina" he told me. "I changed your bloody clothes. I'm pretty sure we can conclude that your blood doesn't hurt me."

"You changed my clothes?" I looked down at myself and sure enough I was wearing a pair of boxer shorts that barely covered my thighs, and a long sleeve T-shirt that ended just above the shorts.

"Well, I could hardly leave you in what you were wearing," he explained. "Plus, in the basement you were pretty eager to take off all your clothes in front of me."

"That was before I knew Gina was pregnant," I stated.

"But you still love me?" He put his forehead against mine and pressed a kiss on the tip of my nose.

I shook my head, tears filling my eyes.

"Please don't torture me, Foxie," he pleaded. "I can't live without you."

"You're going to have to," I replied, pulling away from him and backing away, while watching his face drop with what I assumed was disappointment.


"When did they wake up?" I asked Flynn, after discovering Holden and Emma weren't where we had left them. I didn't bother asking Flynn where he had been, or what he had been doing with Gina.

"He didn't wake up yet, She did," he responded. This was the first time I noticed that his fingers were brittle and his face was time-weathered. It looked as if he had aged more in the last couple of hours than he had in a whole year. It wasn't like I knew him for a whole year, but it just seemed like he didn't age at all; or if he did, he was one of those people who got more handsome with age. "What happened?"

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