Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Kaden had fallen asleep almost immediately after we had gone back inside, which was reassuring. Reassuring because I was beginning to think he was an insomniac. He was sprawled across the bed, his feet curving around the edges of the mattress. One of his hands was on his chest and the other hung loosely off the side of the bed. His eyelashes were casting shadows on his attractive cheekbones, and his jaw was clenching and unclenching. I had grown so used to the way his jaw moved that it would have been unnerving if he didn't clench it in his sleep.

I should have been sleeping as well. I could have slept the way I had the previous night on Kaden's chest. But it didn't seem right to climb on top of him without his consent. Plus, he would probably wake up if I so much as touched him, so I couldn't bring myself to do it. Although he didn't look it, he was sleep deprived. I had found the empty pill tray under Kaden's bed. Of course, the silver glint in Kaden's otherwise immaculate room had made me curious, a closer look had revealed it to be Speed.

So for now I sat on the wooden floor and observed Kaden. I knew I wouldn't get another chance to see him so unguarded. His hair looked darker in the dark and he looked like a fairy tale prince. His eyelids were a light purple colour and if I didn't know better, I would have assumed it was a very light eyeshadow. It was too much to ask for me not to touch him, so I put my palms flat on the floor and convinced myself that sleep was the most important thing for him right now.

"Sage?" a voice whispered. I thought it was in my head, so I ignored it, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped slightly, but quickly recovered from my shock and put a finger on my lips, while gesturing at Kaden's sleeping form.

Emma tried to stifle her giggles. Her chocolate brown eyes matched the T-shirt she was wearing.

"Why are you staring at a sleeping boy?" Emma enquired. Her hands on her hips made her look comical, since she was unable to keep the smile off her face while she chided me.

"Nice shirt," I stated, dodging her question. "I didn't know you liked Guns and Roses." Well, that was a stupid thing to say. I hardly knew her long enough to know her likes and dislikes. But her wearing a T-shirt, with thorns protruding out of plump, red roses, while a gun went off in the background, still seemed a bit off to me.

I wasn't expecting Emma to blush, but she did; worse than I did when someone mentioned my relationship with Kaden. "It's H..." Her voice trailed off, and she furrowed her eyebrows. "It's David's," she said uneasily.

"Geez, how many boyfriends do you have?" I wondered out loud. If she could get confused about whose shirt that was...

Emma took a step back, like the blow of my words had physically harmed her.

"Emma," I whispered. "I'm sorry. I didn't..."

"I thought you'd understand," she cut me off. Her face was paler as she shuffled her feet. "Especially after what Kaden made you do with that police officer."

"He told you?" I was only partially shocked. I knew he would have told someone, I just thought it would have been Flynn and not Emma; unless he had told all of them.

She nodded. "He's beating himself up about it, but that's not the point." Emma was an expert at keeping emotion out of her voice. It would have been better if she was screaming, instead of talking calmly. At least then I'd be able to tell what was going on inside her head. I could imagine she was upset with me. I was upset with myself. I shouldn't have hinted at her being a slut.

"I know you think I go from one boy to another, but I don't," she clarified. I was ashamed of myself, because that was exactly what I was thinking. I had just assumed from the way she dressed so revealingly, and I couldn't imagine her being a thief like the rest of them...

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