Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Holden's fingers prodded my neck hard, making me yelp in pain.

"That's enough," Kaden said, grabbing Holden's wrists and pulling him away from me.

"You weren't even trying to be gentle," I scolded, rubbing my sore neck that was probably red from all the poking. Holden's fingers were cold and unwelcome, making me relieved when Kaden's warm palm replaced Holden's.

Holden shrugged before replying. "If I had been too gentle, Kaden might have thought I was caressing you." A slight smile played on his thin lips.

Kaden clenched his jaw and I realised with a start that his green eyes were a couple of shades darker than usual. Anger, I guessed.

"So, are you satisfied now?" Kaden asked. "No tracker, but you still got to touch a gorgeous girl. Happy?"

"Actually, no," Holden responded, fiddling with the hem on his shirt. There was a loose thread, which seemed to be interesting him and he continued to wrap it around his thumb and index finger.

"Dude, I swear...," Kaden didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before Holden's words cut through his.

"I felt something," Holden told us.

"A special connection with Sage?" Kaden replied sarcastically. Was he jealous? I couldn't imagine why, it's not like I had any feelings for Holden, nor did I plan on developing any.

"The tracker."

"Kaden ran a hand through his hair. "And you didn't say anything before, because...?"

He waited for Holden to give an explanation, but was disappointed when Holden's only reaction was to laugh.

"I just did say something," Holden stated. "If I had said it any sooner, would your reaction have been any different?"

"Well, I guess now you wouldn't know," Kaden said, while taking the extra effort to roll his eyes. His hands were crossed over his chest and he was clutching at his torso, so tightly it looked like he was either about to puke or he was bottling up unkind (or should I say unkinder) words.

I put a hand on his elbow, trying to reassure him, but needing reassurance myself. I gave Kaden a small smile before turning to Holden. "So now what?" I asked. I wasn't sure why I asked, since Holden had already explained what he intended to do should the tracker be found. I guess I just needed him to say it again. And part of me was hoping he had come up with a better idea, since cutting me open did seem a bit much. Holden was hardly a surgeon; he was a child, older than me, but still just a child. There was no way he would be able to get the tracker out of me, without slitting a vital vein.

"Exactly what I said I'd do," Holden confirmed.

"And by you, you mean professionals, right?" I questioned, wondering what the procedure at the hospital would be. They'd probably have to put me under anaesthetic, but that's not what I was worried about. I was worried about whether this sort of thing happened often, a teenager needing a tracker removed from her neck. The FBI was a government organisation, so did they work closely with the hospitals? And if the doctors called the FBI, would that be such a bad thing? Were the FBI the bad guys? Or were they just trying to contain the monster inside of me?

There was so much to wrap my head around.

"No," Holden's voice penetrated my thoughts. He had taken so long to reply, I wondered if maybe he had replied but had to repeat his answer because I wasn't listening. "I meant I was going to do it."

"Absolutely not," Kaden replied for me. "You'd kill her; if not for spite, then by accident."

"I know what I'm doing." I had no doubt that if Holden's voice hadn't sounded as harsh, then Kaden would have at least considered his words.

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