Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Shocked is not the word I would use to describe Kaden's expression. He was utterly mortified. He didn't say a word, nor did he need to. Gina was talking enough, so that the silence wasn't deafening. "I was just about to tell you," she started, "but then the FBI came and now you've found someone new to wrap your body around. How many girls do you intend to be with?"

"You said you were on the pill," Kaden swallowed. This felt like a very private moment and if I wasn't in shock, I would have probably found it in me to leave.

"I was on the pill," Gina sobbed. Her tears mixed with her mascara and left an ugly black line down her cheek. "I read on the internet that sometimes the pill doesn't work."

"How long have you known?"

"A month," she responded. "Why do you think I came back? I wanted to tell you before I told anyone else, which is why I didn't explain the real reason I was here when Emma asked."

"Can't you get an abortion?" Kaden grimaced as he said those words.

Gina laughed cynically through her tears. "Should have known you couldn't commit to anything. You're complete and utter bastard," she told him and turned suddenly towards me. She looked extremely mad like she would derive much pleasure from killing me on the spot. "What are you still doing here? We're trying to talk about the little human growing inside me. We don't need you shedding tears, trying to steal Kaden's attention."

I touched my hand to my cheek and realized I was crying and hadn't even noticed.

"I can't imagine why you' d still want to be with him now," she carried on." You should be able to find a nice nerd for yourself. Run along now," she finished, talking to me like I was a child. I didn't want to obey her but I couldn't see any other option, so I started walking towards her, since the exit was directly behind her. I hadn't taken more than two steps before Kaden grabbed my wrist. I looked back at him and shook my head. There were so many things I was feeling right now: anger, disappointment, but most of all sadness. My mother would say this was a blessing in disguise; that Kaden wasn't meant for me, and that this was the universe's way of very subtly telling me that we didn't belong together. I pulled harder to yank my hand away, fighting the gathering tears. He refused to be swayed and only gripped harder, pulling me to his chest.

"Please," he begged. "We can fix this."

"How?" I asked. "She's having your baby."

Kaden didn't reply, instead he buried his face in my neck, probably trying to think of a reply that would convince me.

"I love you," he breathed, too low for Gina to hear. "I love you," he repeated, as if those words alone could convince me. As if that was enough to make me stay with him forever, like nothing else mattered except the fact that he loved me. I didn't doubt the sincerity of his words, only the fact that now there was no way we would be able to remain together. Even if he did abandon Gina, there would still be that nagging sensation that his child was somewhere in the world; a child that was starved for a father's love. I didn't care about Gina, but I couldn't not care about a baby.

"That doesn't matter," I said, pushing away from him. Before he could stop me I hurried away, brushing past Gina on my way out. I made sure to give her a sympathetic glance, to reassure her that I had no intention to ruin her or her unborn child's life.


I could feel rose petals under my feet. This proved that there was beauty to be found even in the darkest of times, but to me the red rose petals looked like blood that was drying on the crackly grass.

I shouldn't have been outside. The FBI could come back at any moment, but I couldn't go back inside where I could run into anybody.

I wasn't sure how much the others knew, but I did know that Gina would have to tell them that she was pregnant sooner or later. When she did, what would happen to me? I could hardly stay here. I don't know what would be worse: seeing Gina and Kaden together, or being an outcast among people who had known each other for ages. The only thing that prevented me from being an outcast was Kaden, who was constantly by my side and making sure I fit in.

"My mother," I thought out loud. "I need to go home." I did need to go home and what better time than right now, when there was nothing keeping me here anymore.

But there was no point in going home if the FBI would just follow me there. I would have to get rid of this tracker first. But how? I put my fingertips on my neck, trying to do what Holden had done, but all I felt was flesh. There were no bumps under my skin, nor was there anything even remotely hard.

Tears of frustration began to cloud my judgment and I found myself walking forward, past the gravel pathway, past the open front gate and down the panhandle driveway. I had just reached the road, when I stopped short.

The cold air biting at my skin brought me to my senses, there was no way that I would make it for more than a couple of hours without freezing. I needed to put some more layers of clothing on, and while I was at it maybe I could get Holden to help me with the tracker. I didn't have to tell him why, I just had to say that the thought of people watching me was creeping me out.

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