The Fish

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Not so long ago, on a beach not so far away, there lived a man. This man was a normal man, and led a normal life. Every morning, he took a long walk on the beach. He loved the sound of the wind rushing in his ears and the calming sound of the ocean waves, gently lapping against the sand of the beach.

One morning, the man was taking his normal walk, when he heard  a strange gurgling sound coming from right beside him. He looked beside him, and saw a strange creature on the ground. It looked sort of like a cross between a dolphin and a shark, though it was orange-red instead of gray. "What the-?" was all the man got out before the creature growled, "I am The Fish, and I have been sent to destroy you!"

The man's eyes grew wide with fear, and before he knew what was happening, The Fish had leaped up, and started ripping him to shreds with teeth sharper than daggers. The man screamed as The Fish killed him, feasting on his flesh until all that was left of the man was a poll of blood on the sand where he had stood mere seconds ago.

You may be wondering how I know this tale, and I can give you a reason. It is because I am The Fish, and I have been sent to destroy you.

A/N: My friend actually made up this story, so all the credit goes to her.  

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