The terrifying truth

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1. It is possible for you to die from your nightmares

2. Every 40 seconds, a human being ends their own life. Every 60 seconds, a human being ends someone else's life

3. Humans, like many animals, have evolved over thousands of years to have an instinctual fear of certain traits. Now consider the prevalence of vampires in horror. Somewhere along the line, something caused humans to develop the fear of red eyes, pale skin, razor-sharp teeth, and things that live in the dark

4. Over 100 billion people have died in human history

5. Since 2005, nearly 70 murders have been committed by people who were sleepwalking

6. It is possible for your own hand to develop a mind of it's own. Known as Alien Hand Syndrome, this condition can cause a person's hand (usually the left) into acting uncontrollably, sometimes even causing the person to choke themselves.

7. You can sense someone staring at you while you sleep

8. Over 150,000 people died the day you were born

9. Sleep Paralysis is caused when your body remains paralyzed after you wake up from sleep. One of the most common side effects of Sleep Paralysis is terrifying hallucinations. While you experience these hallucinations, you are left completely helpless and unable to move while horrific scenes play out before you. Statistically, you are more likely to develope sleep paralysis if you are aware of it's existence.

10. In a few hundred years, there will be no evidence of your life, and no one will know you ever existed.

11. You are closer to death than you were before you read this

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