Love at First Fright

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Ann Cross had a secret. She hadn't told anyone, not even her best friend Allie, who she told everything. Ann wanted her secret to remain a secret, so she zipped her lips, and kept it to herself.

Her secret was that she had a crush Jonah Disney, a boy who went to her middle school. It was love at first sight for Ann. She loved everything about Jonah: his curly, blonde hair, his emerald green eyes, even his
nerdy-looking glasses. She had always been trying to muster up the courage to talk to him, but every time she was about to say something to him, she lost her confidence. Ann promised herself that she would talk to him before school ended, but there were only two weeks left.

Every morning before school, Ann told herself, Okay, Ann. No slacking today. You have to talk to Jonah, or it's going to be the last day of school, and then you'll really be in trouble.

But the last day of school came, and Ann still didn't have enough courage to talk to Jonah. She was walking toward her bus line at the end of the day, telling herself what an idiot she was, when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned around, and found herself staring into Jonah's green eyes.

Ann felt her heart nearly stop. She knew that she should probably say something, but she didn't know what to say. Luckily, Jonah did the talking for her.

"Ann," he said, smiling a beautiful smile that made Ann's insides do somersaults. "I've been meaning to talk to you, but I've been kind of busy. Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to meet me at the local park after school. I have a picnic made."

Ann wanted to say yes, but when she opened her mouth, all that came out was a squeak. Knowing that she'd make a fool of herself if she tried to talk, she nodded.

"Awesome," Jonah said, flashing her a million-dollar smile. "See you in a few minutes!"

Ann spent as much time as she dared getting herself ready after school. She didn't want to spend too much time; Jonah might leave if he thought she wasn't coming. But she didn't want him thinking she was a slob. In the end, Ann ended up wearing a knee-length orange dress, dangly topaz and gold earrings, gold flat shoes, a touch of mascara, and a smear of lipgloss. She curled her light brown hair and let it hang loose over her shoulders. She hoped Jonah liked her outfit.

"I love your outfit!" Jonah said when Ann came walking to the park, the light breeze blowing her hair. Ann was pleasantly surprised when she saw that Jonah was wearing khaki pants and a white, collared shirt. She was glad that she didn't overdress or underdress.

"Thanks," Ann said, smiling. "I like your outfit, too."

Jonah had spread out a picnic blanket in the shade of a tall oak tree. He and Ann sat down, and Jonah gave her a ham sandwich, which she ate happily.

After a few moments of silence, broke only by the sounds of Ann and Jonah chewing, Jonah said, "So, Ann, it's great that you wanted to come on this little picnic. I've been trying to work up the courage to ask you out all year, and I knew today was my last day, so I just went for it. And you said yes. Thanks."

"It's the same thing for me," Ann said, her blue eyes full of happiness. This was shaping up to be the best day of her life. "It was pretty much love at first sight when I saw you."

"Yeah," Jonah said, his green eyes twinkling. "Except for me, it was love at first fright."

And suddenly, Ann wasn't looking into Jonah's eyes. And the person she was looking at wasn't Jonah. In fact, he wasn't even a person.

The creature she was looking at resembled a demon: red skin, red, glowing eyes, horns on top of its head. It laughed a horrible, sinister laugh.

"What did you do to Jonah?" Ann managed to stammer. She started to stand up, but the demon grabbed her. She was unable to move.

"I am Jonah," the creature said, it's fiery, red eyes lighting up. "This is my true form. I just so happen to be a shapeshifter. But I am a very hungry shapeshifter. I haven't eaten in centuries. But luckily, before me is a feast I have craved forever."

"Take all the food you want," Ann said shakily, holding out the basket of food Jonah had brought, her fingers numb.

The demon grabbed the basket, and in an instant, it lit on fire, and was reduced to ashes.

"Petty baskets of food don't satisfy me," the demon snarled. "But luckily, little girls do. I'm sorry, Ann, but you've walked right into my trap."

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