Down the river

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We interrupt this broadcast with an urgent warning!

Mass murderer Francisco Juarez has escaped prison and is on the loose! It is highly recommended that all civilians lock their doors and stay inside after dark! Please keep your children in attendance at all times, thank you"

"MOM I"M HOME!," I called as I walked inside. No response. I shrugged and guessed they weren't home, so I decided to head outside and do my chores. As I opened the door to go back outside, my dog Bolt ran passed me and ran off to the pig hut. I jogged after him and began my work. I fed the pigs, milked the cows, collected the chickens eggs, and hurried back inside just as my parents pulled into the driveway. I heard the front door slam shut, a heavy rain pounding onto the porch. I could hear the pounding of boots as  "Hi Anna," my mother called as they walked inside. I waved and sat onto the couch to watch TV. "Did you do all your chores sweetie?" My mother asked, rain drops rolling down her face. I nodded. "Good," she said happily and walked into the kitchen. A few minutes later, a nice smell floated into the room. "Anna, dinner," her voice rang out.

I fell back onto my bed, my stomach full. My mind kept teasing me, saying there was something I had forgotten. Suddenly, I sat up, realizing I hadn't seen Bolt since we had gone outside. I got up and, without telling my parents, ran out of the house. Bolt wasn't at the door. I ran outside, my slippers beating heavily against the muddy ground. "BOLT," I called as I ran into the barn. As I ran inside, the sound of the heavy rain suddenly stopped. I turned around and realized, the doors had shut behind me. Just then, I heard a loud laughing from behind me. An evil laugh. It was the last thing I heard, before something heavy slammed into my head.

I woke up with my head hurting. I got up, but hit my head on the top of something. I looked up and realized I was in a cage. I looked around and saw I was in the woods, a dark figure stood before the cage. "Good, you're awake," A voice said. The same evil laugh erupted as a click rang out and the door of the cage opened. A firm hand wrapped around me arm and pulled me out. "If you try to run, I'll kill you,".  I obeyed and let them lead me away. "You and I have some important business to attend to,"

I ran down the long muddy road screaming my daughters name. "ANNA, ANNA!," I cried. My husband had said it was nothing, but I knew something was wrong. "ANNA," I cried again. I ran until I reached the river, and collapsed to my knees. "ANNA," I cried one last helpless time, before I saw something in the river. It was a piece of cloth, and it looked very familiar. I reached out and pulled it towards me, and realized, it wasn't just cloth, it was pajamas, Anna's pajamas! I pulled them out and cried out as I realized I was holding my daughters body! her face was blue, and her eyes and mouth were covered in duct tape, as well as her hands and feet. "ANNA," I said breathlessly and held her close. I closed my eyes and rocked her body back and forth. "Anna," I whispered. I heard a sound behind me and my eyes flew open. I turned around, and a man was standing there, laughing loudly, a glistening knife in his hand.

I yawned as I heard the sound of a door opening. Maybe my wife had finally come back. I sat up sleepily and looked over at the door. "Honey is that you," I called. No response. I slowly began standing up, as the door began to open. I began walking over, hoping it was my wife, but froze, as I heard an evil laugh and saw a hand holding out a knife...

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