The Crooked Man

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"Never go into the woods, near the edge of town" my father would always tell me when I was young. Whenever I would ask my father the reason, he never failed to uncomfortable and quickly changed the topic. As the years went by, I eventually forgot about the house until one night when I was a teenager. One Halloween night, my friends and I were hanging out when the woods was brought up in our conversation, leading to my friends daring me to go in. I tried to talk my way out of the dare, but my friends were determined to get me into the woods. After about 5 minutes of arguing, I gave up and accepted the dare. My friends and I headed off deep into the woods, leading to the worst night of my life. For the first few minutes, nothing happened, and everything seemed reasonable, but then we started hearing noises and seeing things out of the corner of our eyes. We just brushed these things off as our minds playing tricks on us and continued into the forest. After another 30 minutes, I checked my watch and was in shock. It said we had been in the woods for three hours, even though we had only entered 45 minutes ago. I turned around to show my friends, but they were all freaking out, claiming one of our friends had disappeared. After this, we all decided it was time to leave and headed back the way we came, but could not find the exit to the forest. As we were walking, I heard my friends scream and then call for help. I turned around, only to find my friends gone with no trace left behind. I began to panic and suddenly heard leaves crunching and twigs being broken. I turned my head in the direction of the sounds and froze, seeing a hand with thin fingers wrapping around a tree. As I continued to stare, a slender creature slowly stepped out from behind the tree. It suddenly started striding towards me. As the monster got closer, I could see it had sharp teeth and unnaturally long limbs. It also started chanting a rhyme, that sounded eerily familiar. I soon realized that it was the old rhyme my father told me about the crooked man, to get me to stay out of the forest. The air suddenly got cold and my vision blurred as I started to collapse on the ground. As my vision faded, the only thing I could hear was the rhyme and the laughter of the crooked man.

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