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Rachel & Sarah were jealous people. They were jealous of girls that were prettier than them, kids that were more athletic than them, kids that had more money then them, you name it. But most of all they were jealous of their sister Tina. Tina was pretty, great at sports, had tons of friends, and was all around living a great life. One day, however, Tina's life wasn't so great anymore, here's what happened

"Cmon Tina, we'll help you back up" Rachel pleaded with her sister. "I.. I'm not so sure about this" Tina stammered, looking over the rail of the cruise ship. "We promise to hold on to the rope, it will be fun" Sarah begged. "Well, alright" Tina said nervously. "Great!" The 2 sisters replied, a sinister smile shared between them.

"Okay, I'm ready." Tina called. Rachel and Sarah walked over to Tina. "Alright, the inner tube is down there attached to the rope, hold on to that and you'll be fine." Sarah instructed. "Okay, you're sure it's safe?" "Yes, now go you big baby." Rachel shoved Tina, sending her over the deck.

Tina splashed into the water, sending fish swimming in all directions. For a brief moment she struggled to figure out why she couldn't breathe, then she realized where she was. She began to swim to the surface, her lungs needed air. Moments later her head popped up and she grabbed onto the bright inner tube. After hauling herself onto it she calmed down, the waves were small and relaxing. Minutes later Tina fell asleep, so she never saw her sisters disappear, nor did she see the rope holding her to the ship make a splash as it fell into the water.

That evening the girls father asked them about Tina. "We haven't seen her daddy" Rahcel lied, hiding her smile. "Really, she's been gone all day" This all happened 2 years ago.


"Frank, I see something floating in the water!" "What is it?" "I don't know" "Let's find out" Frank flung a net out over the water, encircling the object with it. "Haul it in" " I am" moments later and the object was on the deck. "Oh my god, its a girl!" "How did she get out here in that raft" Paul wondered, looking for any islands amongst the miles of oceans, he saw none. "Paul, she's breathing!" Paul rushed back to the girl, and sure enough, small breaths were escaping her mouth, but she didn't move. "Little girl, are you alright?"Paul questioned, then the girl spoke. "Tina, Tina." she hummed in a ghostly voice "How did you get here?" "Tina, Tina" "She's traumatized, we need to get her to a hospital.

Tina was rushed to land where police identified her as the missing girl from 2 year ago, they confirmed it with her parents, but no one could explain how she had survived. Her father was the first to visit her in the hospital. "Tina, what happened, who did this to you?" "Tina, Tina" "Are you okay Tina, whats wrong?" "Tina, Tina" Her mother was next "Tina, I can't believe I got to see you again, I'll never let you out of my sight" "Tina, Tina" Finally, Rachel and Sarah entered the room. It wasn't hard to see they were nervous. "Tina, what happened? Where did you go?" Sarah questioned, hoping she wouldn't know, Tina gave no response. "Can you remember anything?" Rachel asked, nervously. Tina continued to be silent. The girls looked at each other and knew what they had to ask next. "Tina, who did this to you?" Suddenly, Tina shot up, her eyes were glowing red, she seemed enraged. "YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Tina fell back, she died moments after.

A camera in the room had recorded the visual and audio of Tina's final words, and the girls were taken to jail. However, the next morning both were found dead, there lungs filled with water, and they were both sitting in inner tubes, with a rope attached to a knife...

A/N: Sorry that this one wasn't that scary, i was shooting for creepy, anyway, this book is way more popular then we expected, thanks guys for all your support.

Pazizle Pazazle 

Scary Stories to Chill Your BonesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora