The Hook-man

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I remember my first job very vividly. I was pumped to be a counselor for a summer camp near my house. On the first day, my parents helped me load up the car, and I was off to the camp. When I arrived at the camp, I looked around at my surroundings and saw the other camp counselors arrive. I decided to follow the others and was soon being put in charge of a cabin by a senior camp counselor. I then gathered my belongings and walked to my cabin and began to unpack. A few minutes later, the younger campers entered the cabin, and I introduced myself and told them the various rules that were put in place. I then lead my campers to the first activity of the day, which was dodgeball. After dodgeball, the campers did other activities such as swimming in the lake and played tag. When the nighttime came, me, the other counselors, and campers gathered around the fire and told scary stories. When it was my turn, I remembered the legend of the hook man and started to tell my story. As I was telling my story, I noticed that a lot of campers seemed to become nervous and scared. I asked them what was wrong, and they said they heard various noises and voices from the woods. I told them not to worry and that I would investigate the sounds. I got up from the log I was sitting on and entered the woods. The woods seemed long and dark, filled with towering trees. Suddenly another camp counselor came running towards me and said that something attacked the campsite. We froze when a loud laugh rang out among the trees. We then started to sprint back to the campsite. I heard the other counselor scream, and when I looked back, he was gone. When I arrived back at the campfire, everyone had disappeared. We suddenly heard a laugh from behind us and sprinted to the nearest building, which was the kitchen. We hid behind a counter and heard loud and heavy footsteps, as someone entered the room. I peeked over the table and was terrified at what I saw. I saw a large hunchback man with bloodshot eyes, a twisted smile, muddy clothes, and a hook for a hand. I could hear the footsteps getting closer, causing me to run. I glanced back as I was running and saw the hook man gaining. I suddenly tripped on a pan, that was left on the floor. I tried to get up, but felt a sharp pain, in my leg. I became dizzy and started to faint. I was being dragged out of the kitchen to the woods. When we got to the entrance of the woods, I was dragged into the darkness.

The next summer...

I stared at the arriving campers and counselors, through the trees and started to prepare for my next victims, at the campfire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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