The Shoe Man

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Dear Diary,

              Today, my friends told me a stupid story about a serial killer, called "The Shoe Man,". I just laughed in their faces! Seriously? THE SHOE MAN?!?!?!?! What kind of stupid name is that. Although, I will tell you the story, supposedly, he steals peoples shoes, then the next day, knocks on their door, and when they open it, their shoes are scattered everywhere. After that, he murders them. I cracked up at my friends! What part of the name "The shoe man, " is supposed to scare me? Well, I'm done ranting, I'm headed to bed now. I hope the shoe man doesn't get me in my sleep! (note sarcasm)


Now they've done it! My shoes have started disappearing, and I know my friends are behind it! They claimed that I was in danger! What a load of bull! I'm sick of this, I'm going to yell at them now, they're going to pay for this!


My friends refuse to admit to anything, and now all my shoes are gone! I've stopped talking to them and blocked them from calling. Am I honestly supposed to be scared of someone named the shoe man? Who could? It's clearly a joke! And anybody who steals shoes can't be that dangerous, just a creepy stalker! I refuse to believe it though! However, I must go now, someone is knocking on my door.

This was the last entry ever written in the diary. A few days later, the young girls friends discovered her body mangled in her house, her eyes dug out, her chest covered in stab wounds, and her own shoes shoved down her throat. Next to her was a note that read:

"Am I scary now?"

The police never could trace the man responsible for the murder. The friends tried to explain, yet the police just laughed. Later, they noticed their own shoes disappearing. By the way, have you noticed any of your shoes missing lately?

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