The Bunny man

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I always loved rabbits and bunnies as a child, but after one experience, I never wanted to see a bunny again. When I was a child, I remembered being fascinated with rabbits and was always asking my parents for one. On Easter day, I went downstairs and was surprised when my dad told me that he found someone who was offering bunnies at a reasonable price. He said to me that we would go that afternoon and prepared breakfast. That afternoon, my parents and I got into the car and headed off. After a while of driving, I noticed that our surroundings seemed unfamiliar and odd. I asked my dad where this person was, and he said he was near the edge of town and pretty far away. As we got closer, my parents seemed to get on edge, and suddenly, in the distance, I saw a bridge. It was medium-sized and did not look out of the ordinary, but my parents still seemed worried. As we went under the bridge, our car suddenly stopped and would not start again. I began to panic, but my parents assured me it would be all right. They then proceeded to get out of the car and check the engine. Suddenly, a loud, dark laugh echoed across the tunnel. My heart stopped, and I ducked under the seat. I noticed that my parents had not come back to the car in a while, but I did not get out. Suddenly, I could hear a loud scratching sound going across the car and getting closer to the back door. I peeked up my head little and had to stop myself from screaming. I saw a man wearing a bunny costume that was covered and stained with blood, with a twisted smile on the head. Out of nowhere, he turned his head and saw me for a brief second. I knew I had to escape, so I quickly grabbed the open trunk latch and scurried to the back of the car. I went so fast, I practically fell out of the trunk, and then I ran, screaming for help. No one was on the road, so I bolted deep into eh woods. After a couple of minutes, I saw a cabin and ran inside.

I quickly glanced around my surround ins but was startled by heavy footsteps and the sound of an item being dragged across the ground. I darted into a closet that was near me. I heard the door to the cabin open, and someone step inside. I peeked through a small gap in the door and saw the bunny man. I slowly backed up but stepped on a sharp object causing me to cry out in pain. The bunny man quickly walked to the closet and opened it. I screamed as he grabbed me and started to drag me upstairs. As he brought me into a room, I saw my parents chained up, with ax wounds covering their bodies. He threw me against the wall and chained me up. As he readied his ax, I started at his constant smiling face and then felt the ax enter my body, leading my vision to fade.

Ten years later.....

"Are we almost to the bunny farm," Jake asked his dad, who replied," almost there." Jake then asked mom, "why do you not like bunnies anymore." His mom then lifted her shirt and showed him a significant ax mark across her chest.

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