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"Open it up Lily", said my mom and dad. It was my 8th birthday and we were opening presents in the living room. As I tore the wrapping off the final present, I was in shock at what lay in the box. What I saw was an old victorian era looking doll that was obviously old and worn. When I asked my mom what it was, she said it was hers back when she was a child and that her name was Victoria. I suddenly heard a faint laugh coming from upstairs, but dismissed it. I thanked my parents for the gift and stayed upstairs until dinner. During dinner I let the doll sit next to me while I ate. For a minute I felt a light tapping on my foot from under the table. I became slightly worried but thought it was nothing. After dinner, I went upstairs to go to bed with my doll and then fell asleep. I woke with a start after hearing a crashing and banging sounds downstairs. I crept to my parents bedroom, but they were gone. I frantically searched their room but couldn't find them. I slowly crept down the stairs and peered into my living room. I started to scream but stopped myself. I saw my parents gagged and tied up and unconscious, with both having multiple bruises and cuts on their faces. I suddenly heard a crash from the kitchen and carefully proceeded forward, but stopped when I heard a faint crying coming from the kitchen. When I peered inside the kitchen I saw what appeared to be my doll sitting at the kitchen table with a bloody knife. Her head slowly rotated around and I screamed. I bolted for the door and ran outside. I could hear my parents screaming and moaning as I ran away from the house. As I was running, I tripped on a tree branch and fell. I suddenly heard laughing coming from all around me, but could not see anyone. That's when I spotted my doll slowly lumbering toward me with a demonic grin on its face. All I could hear was the doll chanting "time to go to sleep" and it's constant laughter. I tried to crawl away, but my leg was severely injured. I screamed out in the night as pain shot through my other leg and then my arm. The DOll began to choke me causing my vision was to fade and turn to blackness. I woke up with a start and realized it was just a dream. I went downstairs to get breakfast and saw my parents at the table. As I sat down my parents suddenly started laughing and chanting "time to go to sleep" over and over. I gasped and shut my eyes and wished the nightmare would just be over, but all I could picture was the doll and all I could hear was the laugh.

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