The Goat-man

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As a child, I remember living in Texas and always being curious about the bridge near our house. Every week or so, I would see missing people posters and would hear my neighbors discussing these disappearances. I quickly became curious and would continuously question my parents about it, but they would always change the subject. I soon determined that I would have to explore myself, so I gathered 2 of my friends after school and asked if they would be willing to join me. They gladly accepted and agreed to go a couple of days later. That, however, proved to be the biggest day of my life.

Three days later

When my friends and I arrived at the bridge, it was getting closer to night time, and nobody was there. We started to explore and walk over the bridge. I thought I heard a faint laugh by my ear, but I dismissed it. I pulled out my phone and looked up the bridge and found an interesting article. It said you could do a ritual to summon something called the goat-man. My friends and I decided to try it and sat down. We lit a candle and placed in the middle of the circle and closed our eyes. We began chanting, but after a couple of minutes, I could not hear my friends shouting anymore.

I opened my eyes and panicked. All my friends were gone, and so was the candle. Suddenly, a strong wind went by, and I heard ominous laughter. I looked toward the end of the bridge and saw two eyes in the darkness. I screamed and ran toward the exit, but I suddenly tripped and fell over the bridge into the water. I quickly swam to the shore and bolted into the woods. I ran for what seems like forever and thought I was safe. I soon heard the laughter against and heard heavy footsteps coming towards me. I hid behind a tree and waited. A smell of rotting flesh soon hit my nose. I started to gag but stopped myself. Suddenly, an ax split the tree; I was hiding behind, causing me to turn and lose my step and fall. I looked up and saw a creature. It was a man, but with the lower part of a goat and horns, instead of ears. It had black eyes and was carrying an ax stained with blood. I got up, but before I could run away a sharp pain hit my back, and I blacked out. I woke up, to find myself tied up, in what looked like a cave. I was in a daze but heard voices and footstep coming toward me. I screamed and saw what looked like my friends, but with the bottom half of the goats and horns and wide grins and blood on their mouths. The goatman was standing in the center and approached. He raised his ax and then I felt a sharp pain go through my neck and then nothing.

The next day

As a man was walking to the store, he noticed 3 more missing posters were added to the 50+ that were already there.

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