The Woman in the Mirror

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I was always fascinated with mirrors throughout my life. I lost interest, however, when one particular incident occurred when I was young. As a child, I was always fascinated with urban legends and scary legends, especially bloody Mary. All the kids in my school would talk about how, when they would play, nothing happened. One night, when some of my friends decided to sleep over, the topic of urban legends was brought up, and soon one of my friends, Jake, suggested we play bloody Mary. I was a bit hesitant at first, but soon the pressure from my friends made me cave, and I finally decided to do it. Two of my friends went into the bathroom first but failed to experience any activity. It was my turn, so another one of my friends and I entered the bathroom and turned out the lights. We then spun around and said bloody Mary three times. As we then stared into the mirror, I could have sworn, and I saw the face of a woman behind me, which disappeared after a couple of seconds. The face looked like it was covered in blood with gouged out eyes. I screamed, and my friend and I ran out of the bathroom. I told my friends what happened, but they did not believe me. The next day I got into my car and started driving to school. As I was getting near my school, I looked in my rearview mirror. I suddenly saw bloody Mary, sitting in the back seat, causing me to swerve and almost hit another car. When I got to school, I was on edge but headed to class anyway. During math class, I raised my hand and told my teacher I had to go to the restroom. When I got to the restroom, I opened the door to a stall and started to use the bathroom. Suddenly the lights went out and I heard a faint woman's laugh. I slowly opened the stall door and went to the sinks. As I stared in the mirror, the lights suddenly flashed on. The last thing I saw before the lights went out , again, was bloody Mary, with her hand on my shoulder.

Later that day......

When Jake entered the restroom, he saw a lone pair of shoes near the sink and handprints on the mirror. He recognized the shoes as his friends but dismissed it and went into the stall, and then the lights went out.

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