The Black Hood

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"Mommy, can we buy suckers?" Jimmy asked his mother. Jimmy and his mom were shopping in the mall and Jimmy, being the eager 7-year old that he was, just had to ask for a lollipop. "Okay, Sweetie," His mom said, grabbing his hand and pulling him gently into the candy store. "What flavor do you want?" Jimmy took his time looking along the long row of candy flavors. After a couple of minutes, he said, "Let's get blueberry," Jimmy's mom went up to the front desk and said, "Two blueberry lollipops, please," After Jimmy's mom paid for the lollipops, she took Jimmy out of the store and to a table in the food court. Just as they were sitting down, Jimmy noticed something tall and black out of the corner of his eye. He turned to have a closer look and did a double take when he saw a black hood standing a few tables away from him. The thing was, there was no one inside the hood. Just a long, black cloak with a hood on top. There was no face face in the hood. "Mommy!" Jimmy said, tugging on his mom's sleeve. "What is it, Sweetie?" his mom asked. "There's a person in a cape, except no one's inside!" Jimmy said, squeezing his mom's hand. "Really?" She asked. "Where?" Jimmy pointed to the table where he had seen the black hood sitting at, but the table was deserted.

"But, Mommy! He was there!" Jimmy told his mom. They had finished their lollipops and were walking out to the car. "Jimmy, I bet you were just imagining it," His mom said. She refused to believe Jimmy saw something that was impossible. Maybe he needed to get his eyes checked. "I mean seriously, Sweetie, do you think that is possible? A cape sitting there, on its own, without anyone inside? It's not even possible, and even if it was-" "But it was, Mommy!" Jimmy protested. "I saw it with my own eyeballs! It was huge and black, and about 6 foots tall!" Jimmy's mom laughed and ruffled Jimmy's hair. She didn't believe Jimmy's story because a lifeless object couldn't act like a living organism without a living organism interacting with it. Or could it?

As Jimmy and his mother rode home in their car, Jimmy's mom couldn't stop thinking about what Jimmy had said. She bit her lip to keep from laughing out loud. She didn't believe Jimmy's story because she didn't believe in ghosts. But still, she was secretly a little creeped out because Jimmy was not usually one to tell a lie. Jimmy, on the other hand, was so creeped out, he thought he was going to throw up. He kept taking shaky breaths and silently telling his teeth to stop chattering like crazy. But that was until Jimmy saw The Black Hood sitting in the seat across from him...

That night, Jimmy went on with his regular bedtime routine: teeth brushing, face washing, and a shower. But in the back of his mind, he couldn't stop thinking about The Black Hood. He had seen it twice. There was definitely something up. As he was taking his shower, he took a lot of deep breaths and told himself to stop being so afraid of a black cape. but it wasn't the black cape itself that scared him; it was that the black cape had no one inside it. Jimmy turned off the water of the shower and climbed out. He wrapped a towel around himself and went to the mirror to brush his hair. When he got to the mirror, he screamed and started to cry because instead of his reflection in the mirror, he saw The Black Hood.

"Son, everything is going to be okay," Jimmy's father told him. Jimmy had told his father everything about The Black Hood that he could remember. The two of them were sitting on the living room couch. Jimmy kept on fidgeting. He couldn't help it. Whenever he got scared, he fidgeted. Jimmy's father patted Jimmy on the back and said, "Good night Jimmy. Go to your room, and sweet dreams."

Jimmy had trouble falling asleep that night. He tossed and turned. He was seriously scared that The Black Hood was going to get him in his sleep. Finally, he fell asleep with his fingers crossed, praying The Black Hood wouldn't get him.

At one point that night,Jimmy woke up to the sound of raspy breathing. His eyes flew open. He looked around the dark room, but he saw nothing except his faintly glowing blue night light. Then, he felt something cover his face. He tried to scream, but it was muffled by The Black Hood.

(A/N) This story wasn't my idea. It was my friend's idea. I just basically added details to his story.

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