Lucidus Somnium

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November 19 1983

I finished moving today. My new home is a lot smaller than my last one, but I'll get used to it. I like how soft the floors are, it's like the entire room is a giant mattress. The walls at my last home were made of cement, so it's at least an improvement in some way. The people don't seem as friendly here though. I had lot's of friends before I moved. I don't think I'll make that many here.

November 28 1983

I don't like the food here, it's always horribly nasty or tasteless. All I want is to go to a cafe or a bar or even a Mcdonald's, but I don't think there are any near here. I doubt there's anything near here at all. Where am I?

Jan 14 1984

A friend of mine came to visit me today. I haven't seen him very often since I moved, so it was nice seeing him again. We talked about all the things we used to do together that we can't do now. He said he has a new game to show me next time he visits. I hope he comes back soon, I haven't noticed how lonely it is without him here.

Jan 22 1984

My friend hasn't come back for a few days. I'm beginning to miss him a lot. He promised he would see me again though, so I'm not too worried about it. He always keeps his promises.

Jan 27 1984

He came back today! I was super happy to see him, as usual I've been bored for the past few days. I asked him about the new game, but he said he can't show me it today. He promised to show me next time though. I just hope this game doesn't turn out like the last one.

Feb 19 1984

It's been so long since he's visited me, and I've become so bored that I've actually started talking to the men in white, just for even a small bit of entertainment. I asked them if they knew when he was coming back to see me again. They got upset, as always. They don't like my friend that much. They think his games are dangerous.

Feb 23 1984

He finally came back today. I told him I was upset with how long he had been gone, and he apologized, and showed me the new game. It looks like a lot of fun. He showed me a stick he had brought with him, and used it to paint red lines on himself. I asked him if I could try it, but he told me I have to find my own stick to use, it's part of the game. I asked the men in white for a stick, but they wouldn't listen. Maybe I'll get to play next time.

Feb 24 1984

A lady I've never seen before came to talk to me today. She asked me a bunch of questions, and wrote really quickly on a tiny notepad that she brought. I asked her if she knew my friend, and if she knew when he was coming to visit me next. She didn't answer though, she just asked me questions about me and my friend, and the games we play. I told her about our last game. She left really quickly after that. I think I heard her whispering to the men in white about something. Maybe they're planning to have my friend come over so they can meet him. I don't think he'd like the men in white though, it's their fault that we can't play games together anymore.

Feb 25 1984

The lady visited me again today. She said she had a present to give to me. She handed me a tiny box, with lots of small spheres in it. She said they were from my friend, and showed me how to use them. I wanted to ask her why she delivered them to me though, since my friend was already in the room, standing behind her. He was shaking his head. I decided not to use the little spheres.

March 2 1984

My friend finally visited today. He said he had another game to show me. He used a rope to make a circle, put it on like a necklace, and made lots of funny faces. I wanted to play, but he said I needed my own rope. I didn't bother asking the men in white for any. They never give me what I ask for. All they give me is little spheres and water.

March 4 1984

I almost got to play the stick game yesterday, but the men in white wouldn't let me. When they weren't looking, I went for a walk, and I found a shiny, pointy stick like my friend's. I almost made it back to the little white room, but I got caught. They took it away, and gave me more white spheres. They said they wouldn't leave until I used them, so I had to. I don't think my friend's going to be very happy about that.

March 5 1984

My friend told me he can help me move back to my old home today. He gave me instructions on what to do, but I don't like them very much. He said I can't see him until I'm back home. I told him I'd rather just stay here and have him visit. He got mad. He's scary when he's mad.

March 8 1984

I went on a walk today. It was nice, until the men in white found me. They weren't happy, even when I showed them the long rope I had found. I was close to being able to play the rope game with my friend, but they took it away. They said I couldn't use the rope, and to not play the games my friend told me too. I decided not to tell them that I had also found another pointy stick. They would just take that too.

March 12 1984

The men in white have been watching me even more now. I don't like it, because my friend told me he can't visit as much when they do that. He asked me again if I wanted to leave. He said we could play games again. He promised we would play our favorite game. It's been a long time since we were able to play it. All I have to do is do what he told me, and I can leave.

April 2 1984

I'm writing this on a small piece of paper. My friend said I can no longer write anything in my diary, except for the things he told me to write. He told me to give the men in white the pointy stick I found on my last walk if they asked about my last diary entry. They were scared when I did, but I think they're over it now. I've been doing everything my friend told me to, writing what he said to, talking like he said to, acting like he said to, and I haven't mentioned him to the men in white at all. Hopefully it won't be long now.

Feb 21 1993

I saw my friend again. He was there waiting for me, as soon as I walked out. The men in white couldn't see him, as always. I didn't react to him, just like he told me to, all those years ago. I did smile a little when the men in white weren't looking, though. We walked to a nice car, and they handed me a huge stack of papers. The white sphere lady gave me a hug before I left. I said goodbye to her, and the men in white. I said I would miss them, even though that was a huge lie. I only said that because it's what he told me to say. He sat in the car next to me as we drove. I got home just a few hours ago. My old home. I haven't been here in a really long time. My friend and I are going to meet up together tomorrow morning. I'm excited. It's been way too long.

Feb 22 1993

We played the game today. We found who we wanted to play with, and it wasn't very hard to find a pointy stick to use. No men in white this time. My friend let me paint the red lines this time. The man I got to paint on was really loud though. He stopped shouting after a while though. There was lots of red paint on him at that point. I missed this game, it was the last game I got to play before the men in white showed up for the first time. We're about to play another game. This time I get to paint the red lines on myself. My friend made up a few new rules. I have to paint the red lines on my neck, and I have to do it before the flashing red and blue lights get here. They're really close, so I better get started.

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