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Run! I yelled to my brother, Jake, as my candle suddenly went out.

4 hours earlier.....

My parents were out and my brother and I were watching TV, when my brother suddenly found the article. It was about something called the midnight game, which peaked my brother's interest. After completing the article, my brother suggest we play. I was a little hesitant at first, but soon caved. We had an hour to kill before we could start the game, so me and my brother watched some TV. 15 minutes before the game was supposed to start, my brother read the directions to the game. Once the clock struck 12:00, me and my brother knocked on our bedroom door and the game started. Me and Jake peeked out the door and saw nothing but darkness. As we stepped out into the hallway, I thought I heard someone whisper my name, but dismissed it. We slowly went down the stairs to the living room, in a way that our candle would not go out. We scanned the living room, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. I suddenly felt the room getting colder and a chill go down my spine. I told my brother to keep moving, so the midnight man would not get us. As we moved into the kitchen, I stopped dead in my tracks and motioned to my brother to stop. Standing right in front of us, was a dark figure with no noticeable features. It had long legs, and long arms that reached to its knees. It started lumbering toward us and we ran. As my brother and I were running, my candle suddenly went out. I frantically grabbed the lighter and tried to relight it. After a few seconds, I lit my candle and told my brother to go to the kitchen and grab the salt shaker. I knew we would need to draw a salt circle if we failed to relight our candles. After about 15 minutes, my brother still had not come back and I began to worry. I suddenly heard my brother scream and ran to the kitchen. I peered into the kitchen and did not see my brother, but saw the same dark figure I saw before. As it started to lumber towards me I tried to run, but could not move. I began to hallucinate my worst fears and then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. My vision started to fade and I suddenly lost consciousness.

30 minutes later......

As Paul and his wife pulled into their driveway, they found a peculiar sight. All the lights were off in the house and the doors were unlocked. As Paul opened the front door he called to his two boys, but no one answered. As Paul and his wife entered the kitchen, all they found was a lone salt shaker.

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