Out of Order

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In the year of 1962, there lived a girl named Gina. One night, Gina and her family were at a restaurant and Gina told her parents that she needed to use the restroom. She got up from her table and walked into the women's room.

When Gina got to the restroom, she saw that there were 4 stalls all in a line, one of which had a huge sign on the door that said, Out of Order. She didn't make much of it, just walked into the first stall. But before she locked the door, she noticed that there wasn't any toilet paper. She walked into the next stall only to find that stall didn't have any either. Neither did the next one. Gina wrinkled her eyebrows and peeked into the last stall that was out of order. She saw that there was loads of toilet paper in that stall. She walked right in, ignoring the sign. She had just grabbed one of the rolls of toilet paper and was turning to leave when she noticed that the door had locked behind her. Becoming slightly panicked, she rattled the door, but it was wedged shut. She suddenly felt herself stepping backward, but it wasn't really a step. It was more like something was pulling her backwards toward the toilet. She screamed, but her screams were drowned out by the toilet, which was gurgling furiously. Gina felt her head being pulled forward, toward the toilet, into the toilet...

In an instant her head was submerged, and now her neck and shoulders were being pulled into the water. Gina tried to breathe, but she couldn't. Now she was waist deep in the toilet water, and was running out of breath. By the time her feet were submerged, she was seeing red. She was desperate for breath, but there was nothing she could do, except wait, as the toilet pulled her deeper and deeper into the foul water. She had run out of breath, and could now feel the water seep into her lungs as she went deeper and deeper...

Many years later, at the same restaurant that Gina had made her last stand, a girl named Cara came with her mom and dad and older sister. About half way through the meal, she needed to go to the bathroom, so Cara got up and went in.

When Cara entered the restroom, the first thing she noticed was was a large sign on the door of one of the stalls that read, Out of Order. She walked into the first stall, instantly noticing the toilet paper was out. In about a minute, she had discovered that none of the other stalls had toilet paper. She stood right outside the out of order stall, debating what to do in her mind. Cara's hearing had never been very good, but she would have sworn that she heard screams echoing on the inside. After a few moment's hesitation, she made her decision. She took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and went in.

A/N: I apologize for the sheer weirdness of this one. I just went to a restaurant and saw an Out of Order sign, and it gave me the idea . . .

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