A Cold Day in September

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One cool day in September, Joseph and a couple of his friends decided to play football. Rick, Cole, Mitchell, Brock, and Theodore met him in the park to play their game. Everyone was bundled up in coats, hats, gloves, and scarves. Though he was well equipped for the cold weather, Joseph shivered. That's weird. He thought. I'm not usually bothered by the cold. Oh, well. Nothing a little football can't fix. "Okay," Joseph said, biting his lip to keep his teeth from chattering. "Me and Brock will be team captains. Everybody else get in a huddle around us. Brock, you can choose first." The 6 friends stood packed like sardines, with Joseph and Brock in the front. As Joseph looked around at this circle of friends, he saw that he was the only one who seemed to be cold. in fact, most of his friends were taking off their coats. "Okay, I choose Mitchell." Brock said, and Mitchell went over to stand by Brock. "Rick." Joseph said. By now, there was no fighting the fact that his teeth were chattering. His fingers felt like icicles inside his gloves. When Rick came over to stand by Joseph, Rick asked, "Do you want to borrow my jacket? It's starting to blaze out here, but you look cold. You need it more than I do." "Goodness, thank you." Joseph said, gladly accepting the jacket Rick offered. As he put it on, he felt warmer, like all the warmth of Rick's body was surging into his. But after the teams were decided fully, Joseph was cold again. He borrowed Cole's jacket, but that still didn't make him wamer. He felt bad about taking his teammates' jackets, and he was starting to look a little fat, but he didn't mind. Hopefully something would make him warm again.

At half-time, he borrowed a jacket from everyone else, but he still wasn't warm. He thought that wearing 6 jackets at once ould warm him up, but he still felt like a human popsicle.

When the game was over, Joseph had to give his friends their jackets back. He walked home by himself, his teeth chattering worse than ever. He rubbed his hands together, hoping to create some heat, but he had no luck. He was still frozen.

When Joseph got to his house, he told his mom that he was cold. She fed him some soup and tea and told him he would be okay, be he was still cold. He went on through the evening, shivering and chattering. When it was time for bed, Joseph thought, Thank goodness. I can finally curl up in my nice, warm bed.

Joseph tossed and turned in his bed. He had wrapped about 20 blankets around himself, but still, he felt that cold sensation climbing up his spine. He hoped he would be better by morning. No such luck. "Joseph," Joseph practically jumped out of his skin when he heard someone say his name. The voice was cold and hard, and totally unfamiliar. "I'm watching you." The voice said. "It'll be just a few more days before the ice will travel throughout your whole body and you will freeze. Have a good Saturday. It's going to be your last." 

In the morning, Joseph didn't have the energy to get out of bed. He groaned and moaned, wishing he could be warm again. He was still freezing. What had that voice been talking about? He wondered. It said I had ice in my body, and that it was spreading. That's not good.

Over the next few days, Joseph grew weaker and weaker. His skin started to have a bluish tint to it. His parents tried everything. They called doctors, fed him warm food, and wrapped him up in all the blankets and clothes that they had. but joseph was still cold.

On Sunday morning, Joseph's mom, Jamilla, got up out of her bed and poured herself a cup of coffee. She always started her day with a cup of coffee. She drank the coffee in her mug and was about to pour herself another cup when she remembered Joseph. She dropped the mug on the table and in broke into about 11 pieces, but she didn't care. She ran as fast as she could to Joseph's room.She screamed and nearly had a heart attack when she opened the door of his room and found his body frozen in a block of ice.

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