The Three Bears

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A few months ago I was assigned to re-write a fairy tale from a new perspective or an alternate version. I chose the original version of the three bears, which featured a grown woman and not Goldilocks, and tried to justify why anyone would break into the home of a group of bears, I came to the conclusion that the woman must not be in a right state of mind, the story isn't necessarily scary, but the descriptions of certain scenes are very gruesome, and I personally suggest not reading them if you don't enjoy gore. Enjoy!

The punch hit the girl hard, and she fell to the ground. Her father stood above her "YOU WORTHLESS PEICE OF GARBAGE! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" The girl ran from the room, and out of the front door, where she found a small stump. After sitting on it for some time she heard a noise behind her, it was a small goat. The goat was sitting inside a small bush nearby, when it noticed her, it let out a small "Baaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh", but made no attempt to flee. Curious about the goat, and desperate for any reason not to return to her house, the girl approached it. She crouched down in front of it and spoke softly

"Hey there little guy, my name's Anastasia, Stacie for short"

"Hi, my names Billy"

Not expecting a response, Stacie stumbled backwards and stared at the young goat.

"You can talk?"

"B-but how!?"

"Because I have a tongue, just like you, there's no need to look at me as if I'm a monster."
"I'm sorry, it's just,I never met a goat that can talk before. Can all goats talk?"

"Yes, and foxes, and chipmunks, and squirrels, piece of advice, never talk to a squirrel, you will never be able to make them shut up."



"Do you wanna play hide and seek with me?"


It was at that moment, that a true friendship was born between the girl Stacie and the goat Billy. The 2 were inseparable, and when they were together, Stacie almost forgot about her father, and Billy almost forgot about the hardships that came naturally with being a goat. The 2 would meet every day and play games, and as they got older, would talk about the problems they were facing in life. For a while, Stacie was happy, even after her father put bruises on her face, or left her stomach empty, she was happy. They spent every minute they had together, or at least, they did, until Stacie's father noticed...

Stacie woke up in shock, the house was quiet, on a normal day, there would be shouting from her father, telling her to clean the house, or blood on her face from a wake up punch, there was nothing, the house was quiet. Slowly making her way downstairs, Stacie checked the house, only to find that her father wasn't home, the only thing explaining his absence was a note left in the kitchen.

Went to town

breakfast is in in the cabinet

be back by nightfall

After recovering from the shock of her father making her breakfast, and after choosing not to eat it in fear of temperament, she went outside, and went to an old tree stump, where she had met her best

friend 2 years ago. She sat there, waiting for him. After a few hours, she determined that he wasn't coming, and fearfully began searching for him, afraid of what could have happened to him. He wasn't behind the shed, he wasn't inside their secret tree fort, he wasn't at his favorite bush, he didn't seem to be anywhere. Confused and worried, Stacie walked inside her house to think about the situation, and remembered that her father had left food in the cabinet. Thinking about what he would do if it was still there when he got home, she opened the cabinet to throw it away, and froze. Inside the cabinet, was her friend, but he had been changed. He no longer had hair, or skin for that matter. His eyes had been removed and his stomach was cut open, with blood dripping out slowly. For the longest time Stacie couldn't move, she couldn't think, she could only stare at what was sitting in front of her. It would be one thing to see any animal in such a way, but seeing an animal that you have known for years, an animal that had spoken to you, an animal that couldn't have possibly defended itself. Even though she had not seen it happen, Stacie was certain that the Billy had not been dead before this had been done to him. She could only imagine the pain, and the screams, as his skin was torn from his body, and as his eyes were removed from his skull. It was at that moment that something snapped deep in her brain, something that had been damaged for a long time, something that had only ever been held together by her friend. Stacie lost all sense of sanity within the span of a few seconds. And then, she began to laugh, but not a normal laugh, not a laugh that one would have if they were told a funny joke, but a laugh that could never be produced by a normal human, only a monster.

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