The Virus

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It has been 2 years since the virus struck earth and humankind has all but ceased to exist. Me and my brother have survived the outbreak through various means and have been constantly running no matter where we go.....

Me and my little brother, Jake, were looking for supplies as usual and had to get home soon before it got too dark. Suddenly, a thick fog struck and we were engulfed in it. We suddenly heard rustling in the bushes near by and heard low growling. "Hurry!"  I yelled, as me and my little brother ran through the thick fog.  We bolted through the thick brush and frantically tried to locate the cabin we had been staying in, for the past couple of days. It was dark and ,although we did not know what we were running from, we knew it was bad. After what felt like an eternity, we finally located the cabin and bolted inside. Once inside, we locked the door and closed the windows.  I told my brother to hide in the closet upstairs and wait. As I stared out the window, I started to see various shadows and figures in the fog. Most of them looked like horribly disfigured animals, rather than humans. All of a sudden, fog entered the room and the door knob started to turn. Long claw like fingers started to emerge form the fog and grip the door. I screamed and then ran upstairs to join my brother, but he was gone. I heard him scream and wanted to help him, but hid under the bed and held my breath. The door to the bedroom opened and what I saw was the stuff of nightmares. It was my brother, but he was mutated into some sort of creature. He had long claw like arms and long spindly legs. He also had deteriorating flesh and a a disfigured grin. He kept whispering, "come play with me Greg" and wanted me to come out. I heard a sound behind me and when I turned around I saw his face and then I was pulled out from under the bed and dragged outside. My body started to go numb and my brother said, "Don't worry Greg, soon you will be like us."

Scary Stories to Chill Your Bonesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें